Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year's. 
No big plans, thus far.  Love Man has been sick.  Now, Miss Brunette is sick.
Movies are in my future.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Screen Saver Picture

Remember yesterday when I was taking about the picture Miss Brunette took over the summer.
Several people, including Love Man and  a guy in her photography class have the picture as their screen saver.

It is of a creek in Yellowstone Naitonal Park.  So beautiful there.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Picture Perfect

This is the pic that Miss B took in Flagstaff.  She wanted to be on the Christmas card with something like Merry Christmas from the blah, blah, blah family.  Sadly, it did not make the card.  She has some other pic that some guy in her photography class uses for his screen saver.  It is now Love Man's.  I will see if I can find it. 

I think she is bugged that this pic did not make the card.  It was a really difficult decision, it took me all of 15 minutes to compose and order our card and there are no real winners or losers here.  There really aren't.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

A Tiring Day

What a day! 

I had a flat tire on Christmas Eve and we went to put air in it.  The air machine was broken, so we drove the other car.  On Boxing Day, we went to get air - the machine was still broken.  We drove to another gas station that has an air compressor machine.  We waited at least 20 minutes, while some guy was airing up what appeared to be his daughter's bike and fixing the chain.

Love Man drove the car to Discount Tires.  I picked him up.  He said, "bad news, we need four new tires."

I drove us home.  He got his moped.  We all drove to where he was dropping up his moped at the North Mountain Visitor's Center.  We drove to Tatum Boulevard, where Love Man began a nearly 10 mile hike.

I went around returning and exchanging things.  I was at the Happy Valley Towne Center exchanging at the T.J. Maxx and drove the short distant to the Ross.  Love Man's car was suddenly making a terrible noise. Some man kept starting to walk up to  my car and then stopped.  He later did come up to me and said "You have a really flat tire."

Not the tire or Love Man's car.  My car, another time.

I went to Ross and then called Triple A.  Another man wanted to know if I needed help.  I said, "I have a really flat tire.  I called Triple A, the spare has to be inflated and has to use the lug nuts with it.  It is a pain.  Thanks anyway."  He did get down on the ground and pointed out that I had a screw in my tire.

I called Miss Brunette who laughed and I instructed her to text Love Man informing him that I called Triple A and remembered about the lug nut thing.  That lug nut thing cost us a huge towing bill and a repair once.

I had time to duck into World Market before Triple A arrived.   He was going to tow to the car
to the tire store across the way.  "No, I want to go to my store.  This tire is under warranty."  He started to get out my spare.  "You don't want to do that.  It is such an ordeal.  Can't you just fill the tire with air and I will go straight there."  He thought about it and filled the tire with 40 pounds of air.  Too much, but enough if I lost some air.

I drove to the store.  The man looked incredulously at me.  I can not be the only person in the world who had tire trouble today.  The other car was done.  I drove home. 

An hour or so later, we were on our way to the movies, I called Discount.  We needed a new tire, but it was under warranty.  I think it cost us $23 dollars and some change.  I guess the screw ruined the tire, because it is worse than getting a nail in the tire.  I don't know and don't really care.

Last night before we went to bed, I asked Love Man if both cars were in the garage as I wanted to keep the 5 new tires safe.

It is always something.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Santa in the House

Love Man drove around the neighborhood dressed as Santa.  It is hysterical.  We follow in the car and laugh our heads off.  People look, do a double take and then laugh. The little kids wave their arms off.  It is a blast.

Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 24, 2012

December the 24th

I got up this morning, made the chili and cornbread, cut up vegetables, assembled the dip and have now made about a gazillion of these little cookies.  I made them every year on Christmas Eve and we eat them all through Christmas Day.

Peanut Blossoms in the name of the culprit and they have to be made with Brach's Chocolate Stars.


Friday, December 21, 2012

If My Friend's Daughter Says So

Blonde Girl has been trying out for the 7th grade girl's basketball team.  She made the first cut and was to have found out on Thursday afternoon if she made the team or not.  She also was going to a sleepover immediately after school.  She and some of the other girls were riding home with the birthday girl's mother.

I told her, "You text me and let me know if you made it or not."  I meant the team.  I also reminded her if she didn't make it that she should congratulate the other girls and be happy for them.

She did not call.  I texted her twice.  She did not call.

Blonde Girl last season.

I later got a text from the Divine, Mrs. M, my friend, which read  "my daughter told  me the wonderful news....Blonde Girl made the basketball team.  My daughter is thrilled because I am. :)"

That is how I found out.

I later found out that Blonde Girl went out to see who made the team and when she came back to class, she was smiling.  This info, of course, was also courtesy of Mrs. M.

I later, much later, got a text from Blonde Girl saying, "Guess who made the girl's basketball team?"

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ta Da!

Things are coming to a close around here.  Today was the last day of the girl's school. They are delighted and looking forward to doing nothing.  Miss B has made a movie rental list and Blonde Girl is at a birthday party sleepover.

Love Man has new glasses.  He has high glasses satisfaction. 

It has been cold here.  In fact, Sadie cried in the night.  Love Man thought she wanted out and I said,
"she is just cold."


Monday, December 3, 2012

A Baby!

My girls are screaming that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge (aka William and Kate) are having a baby.  They are thrilled that if the baby is a boy or girl, that child will be an heir to the throne.

It is going to be fun to watch this.



Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Skinny

Thanksgiving was good.  We were in pajamas all day, which was nice.  We did not do Black Friday,
but Love Man and I went to one store that day for a gift.  And, Miss B and I went to Old Navy on Saturday...... 

We are good.  Been a bit busy. The girls are working hard and Miss B is in physical therapy as she tore her patella tendon and bruised her bone in the fast paced and competitive game of badminton.

Love Man moved to a new office and it is nice.  I went to see it on Friday.  He has a beautiful view of a pretty trees and all.  Nice.


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I Know, I Know

I had been bad.  I have much to tell.  Things are slowing down a tad, I will be able to do more posts.   We are all fine and well.  I have just been busy with the girls and my job.  That is all.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween Recap

The girls did their usual trek around the neighborhood for candy.  Miss Brunette took the little neighbor girl trick-or-treating got candy and paid for escorting the 1st grader around.  Score!

Blonde Girl went with two good friends.  They rode scooters to get in as much trick-or-treating as possible.  They scored the  major candy.  They head straight to this one street that hands out full-size candy.  No mini-mini candy bars for them.  They go in for the "big game" candy. 

We had a hand full of candy grubbers.  Other streets in my neighborhood are more popular venues for Halloween.  Fine with me.  It gets old after a bit and that makes me sound.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Trunk or Treat

Zipper Face

Flapper Girl

Crazy Girls

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dull and Duller

Not that much is going on.  I need to buy a pumpkin for school, we usually glitter it.  The girls are a little less busy now that badminton and volleyball are over.  We only have two events this week!


Monday, October 15, 2012

Toe the Line

Love Man looks like he is losing at least three toenails and I have hit a new personal low on this blog.  TTYL!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Weekend Update

Friday was the high school's Homecoming Game.  I went with both girls, although they did not sit with me.  I sat with a couple of friends and it was fun.

The next night was the Homecoming Dance. Miss Brunette went and had a good time.

The dress was new.  The shoes, she has had for a few years.  She wore my coral necklace.  I liked all of it together.  She was also pleased.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hike Revisited

Both Love Man and Maui Jon have recovered from their hike.  Both said the one mile walk, once out of the canyon, to the campground helped.  Maui Jon has a nasty blister on his heel.  Love Man will mostly likely lose both of his big toenails.  Loss of toenails is not uncommon after this grueling, treacherous ordeal. 

I don't know.  I don't see the point in rim-to-rim.  I can see hiking down to Phantom Ranch, with mules carrying your stuff - camping and staying for maybe a couple of days - then hiking out.
Savor it!  It is the Grand Canyon for goodness sake.  Their is a whole world at the bottom of the canyon.

Of course, I have never been.  One day.  Maybe.  No promises. 

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Surviving It All

I think I have recovered.  Spent much of today working on articles for this charity organization I am involved in. 

Love Man successfully hiked the Grand Canyon, Rim-to-Rim!  He went down the north side across the bottom and up the south side!!!  He did some of it at night, because it was cooler and there was a full moon.  Maui Jon also did great!

I spoke to Love Man at 3:45 this morning.  They had to walk a mile or so to their campsite.  He was tired. 

Hopefully they are recovering and got some sleep.  I will keep you all posted.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Casa Loco, Loco

I  might need to drink some of this!

I spent all day at auction, after working all week at my school and on the auction.  I so tired, I can not sleep, but am so glad it is over.

I have no food in my house.  My grocery shopping day has come and gone.  I may need to go to the store in the morning for stuff for the girl's lunches.  It is bad!

Love Man has a friend coming to visit and they are hiking the Grand Canyon.  Hopefully, it will all go well.  John arrives Monday and they leave Friday for the Canyon.

Love Man's friend has never been married and does not have any children.  This ought to be interesting.  Hopefully, we will not scare him off.

I need to improve the cleanliness of our house, fold what Love Man could not fold, buy groceries and make a nice dinner after I get home from school tomorrow.  Calgon take me away!  Miss Brunette has a badminton match, but that actually buys me some more time.  I told Blonde Girl, "the minute you get home from school, you are helping me shop at the Winco."

Winco is different.  It is a giant box grocery store and they are cheaper than Walmart.  Alledgedly.
Love Man read in some business magazine that the groceries are the lowest price in every market Winco goes into.  It is okay.  A bit overwhelming to shop there.  Blonde Girl loves it!  You have to bag your own groceries. The store is huge.  Blonde Girl bags and goes on hunting excursions for me.
She finds the whole thing endlessly amusing.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Auction Mania

I am on the committee for Miss Brunette's parent organization annual Golf Tournament/Auction.
Last night I cello wrapped a lot of things and put many others things in bags or containers or tins or whatever with tissue.  I think we worked about 9 hours yesterday, starting at high noon and ending around nineish.  Today, we are doing other things - so I have that to look forward to.

On a side night, Love Man thinks I am insane.  It is a sick amount of work.

Hopefully this will make a lot of money for the general fund of the high school, which is why we all work ourselves silly.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fair Entry

This is the photo Miss Brunette is entering in the Arizona State Fair for her photography class.
This is the one her teacher wants her to enter.  I don't know.  I think some of the others are better.
This is of that church that is very near the red mountains in Sedona?  If you have ever been to Sedona, you have been to this church.

I personally think this one is better.

Or maybe this one.  But, I am no expert.  I guess the teacher likes the first one, because it is different. Really, it is easy to take a great photo in Sedona. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekend Update


I can't really think of anything terribly exciting that happened this weekend.  Both girls attend the high school football game.  Love Man and I stayed home and watched TV, but that was nice.

Saturday, I ran some errands and we went to visit the mother of Love Man's college friends (brothers) who recently had heart surgery.  On Sunday, Blonde Girl began the year three journey of confirmation and reported that "it wasn't that bad."  I guess that is good.  I wrote my articles for NCL and worked on this auction for the high school that I, crazily enough, agreed to help with.  Miss Brunette babysat for one of her favorite babysitting kids.

That is it.  Somehow, someone did not record the Adelle interview on "Sixty Minutes".  Oh God!
I think that "Married to a Jonas" or whatever knocked it out.  Or, it could have been those dumb Kardashians.  Oh my!  This is the repeat and the same thing happened the first time.  I love Adelle.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Got Crabs?

The crabs are doing fine.  Yes, crabs.  We had to buy another, so the other one wouldn't get lonely.
We also needed more calcium sand and coconut mulch.  In fact, Blonde Girl tried to sneak another bag of coconut mulch at the PetSmart.  "Oh no, I said, we are not buying more.  This will do for now.  And, you are paying me back every penny." 

She babysits and usually scores big with the dollars when she gets a job. 

One of her BFFs is evidently some sort of crab expert and has advised us every step of the way.
Every step of the way, bless her heart.

So, the habitat is fine and BG was losing a lot of sleep as she was sleeping with the light on.  We now run the lights during the day.  I am sure the crabs wondered what was going on - but, they are crabs and I am sure they adjusted.  If not, they can vacate their crab shack and move on down the road.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Why? Why?

Why?  Why?  We just want to be normal like everybody else.  Somehow tonight, while we were watching "The 40-Year-Old Virgin", Love Man got up to get another glass of iced tea and he stepped on a rusty nail.  Yes, folks, a rusty nail in our house.  I don't know how or why?  We could have drug it in on our shoes or maybe it was used as a upholstery tack.

Don't know.  I was out of rubbing alcohol, so Blonde Girl and I headed to the store to get some.  While driving, I phoned the Walgreen's pharmacist who advised us not to wait and go to the Urgent Care to get a tetanus shot and probably a course of antibiotics.

There is a lovely Urgent Care by our Super Target.  We went there and they naturally closed at 8.
We stood at the door and the med tech came out.  He couldn't help us as their computers are locked and down.  I said, "could he come back at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning?"  He said, "I wouldn't wait on this."

Now, I have taken Red Cross First Aid fivetimes for my job.  I have to take it every other year.  I knew this, but needed Love Man to be told by this guy and I said, "the Walgreen's pharmacist said the same thing."

So, we headed home and I found an Urgent Care that is open until midnight.  I have already checked him in online, so he should not have to wait forever like he would at an Emergency Department.

I told Love Man and Blonde Girl to go.  I needed to sit home and wait for Miss Brunette to return from a "Sweet Sixteen" birthday party.  I don't know if she has her key, despite this being a mandatory rule in our house.  I tried to get Blonde Girl to stay and wait for her, but she did not want to do that.  I didn't want to argue with her or have her be afraid, so I said, "fine you go on and I will stay here."

OMG.  All we wanted to do was relax and watch at movie. 

P.S.  Love Man just got home and said he was scheduled for his appointment at 10:00 p.m.  I will keep you posted.  If Miss B gets home, I will accompany Love Man to the Urgent Care.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Herm the Crab

Blonde Girl told me she was saving her money to buy a hermit crab and create a habitat.  After, she babysat on Friday night, she was hot to go to PetSmart and begin her purchasing. She had watched several videos on the internet and had a list of what she would need.  Luckily, I had shells from Mexico and fish accessories that I have kept long after the fish were flushed to heaven.
That is how we got Herm.  She spent most of Saturday night working on her habitat.  She even called a friend's daughter and asked if they were still using their terrarium after the death of their lizard, Bobby.  They were not.  My friend said, "take it, it's yours, but don't throw it away.  Keep it in your garage if this crab thing does not work out.  You never know, we may need it again." 
With that, we were off.  The neighbor girl came over and they made the habitat.  I did have to drive them to PetSmart to purchase calcium sand and evidently, we do not have enough as we are getting more tomorrow.  We also need some kind of mulch.  Idk,  I don't care - whatever.  I said, "You are paying me back, I am not funding this."  So there it is, I am mean.
On Monday, she had a play-date with her friend who has hermit crabs.  The little girl arrived with her sister to pick her up.  She had a box with her filled calcium sand and actually thought Herm was going to their house. I said, "absolutely not."  Both girls thought the crab should go.  I remained firm and refused to let the crab go.  Seriously.  

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Love Thy Neighbor?

Sign written by Blonde Girl years ago. 
There is really not much to say about our neighbors.  They still do not speak to us.  If we pull in our out of our driveway, they generally look the other way.  In fact, we are all so used to it - I really don't notice if he or his wife are out in their yard.

In July, I was out in the yard talking to this lady I know, who was out on her bikes with her sons.
The wife walked by, we said hello and she smirked at us and finally said "hi".  She did not really want to say hello, but my two children and my friend's two children were standing there.
Abby and Sadie, see they are trouble!

They have not sprayed our dogs with the hose all summer.  The last time they sprayed our dogs was before the end of the last term's school year and Love Man went over to their house and talked to them.  They have sprayed the other neighbor's dogs and now they are not getting along with them.

We try not to let our dogs bark outside and if I am doing something and the dogs bark, it is not more than about 5 minutes.  And, we are talking about day-time barking only. 

Jeesh.  I don't know what else to say about this.

Sadie doing one of the things she does best.
They do not get cinnamon rolls from me on Easter, Thanksgiving or Christmas like they used to.

Friday, August 31, 2012

And They Are Off

Both girls have plans tonight. One is going to a football game and the other is babysitting.

Love Man and I are going to watch a movie and make popcorn.  I love popcorn.  It could be an entire food group for me.  I used to say that about diet soda, but now make the best tea and am addicted to that.  At least, I think it is the best.

I bring tea everyday to work for myself and my teaching partner in a Stanley thermos.  Of course, we refer to it as "did you bring Stanley?"  Stanley is an important part of our lives.  It is the small things.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Name That Tune

We had to schelp to the Walmart this morning, first thing.  It is solo day in Show Choir and we could not download or upload (who knows) the song Blonde Girl is going to sing.  "Safe and Sound" from the "Hunger Games" was her choice.  After trying many times last night I said to Love Man, "I'll buy the CD."  I mean we tried and tried.  Frankly, it was annoying.

So, Blonde G and I headed out at about 6:45 and got the very last CD.  In fact, a worker had to find it for us.  We were lucky.

And, I should point out, Show Choir is now called Vocal Premiere or something like that.  I am too old to change.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rude Awakening

This is all I want to do right now.  Put my bathing suit on and jump into the water.  I guess, I will go and get the rest of my groceries first. 

We got woken up early, early this morning because of the ladies that live across the street from us.  Their alarm was going off and I guess the company could not get a hold of them and had dispatched the police. We are on their call list. It was all a mix-up and everything was fine. 

I did have to tell to the alarm company for the police what Love Man was wearing.  I told her, "don't let the police shoot him." Seriously.

See, we are good neighbors.  Neighbor John may not think so.  I will tell you what is going on with them tomorrow.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Longest Week Ever

I have survived the Open House.  By the time the day is over, I will have attended two Curriculum Nights.  I have been assured that it is going to be a great year.  I hope so.  I really do.

I have been on several Home Visits for my pre-school.  Which is always fun.  Some of the children, live very far away.  Wow!  What a commute!

They seem nice, except for one thing - we have 10 boys in our class.  Ten.  Yes, ten. 

It is going to be an interesting year.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Underneath it All

I am back at W-O-R-K.  I can't say the word out loud.  Really, I can't. 

Not yet, it is too soon.

Open House is tomorrow, we have school  starting next week.  I am ready, but I am not ready.  I need a few more days off before the insanity begins.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Arizona Pickers

I went to Circle K for sodies.  It is large pick-up in our neighborhood and these were on the street.  Pickly pear cactuses in wooden pots.  I rushed home and entered our house yelling for Love Man. He got dressed and we rushed over to claim our prize.  As we were putting them in the car, Neighbor Meggan drove up.  "Oh," she said, "if it isn't the pot stealers of MV."  

She sat in her car and watched Love Man schlep the pots into the back of his car.  They weigh a ton.  They will look great when they bloom. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

My Vida Loco

I was just looking at the picture of the girls posted on Monday.  I can not believe it is still the first week of school. 

In this week:  the girls have started school, one is doing volleyball tryouts, the other is on the badminton team, I started my school's workshops, Love Man and I attended a wedding; I went to a meeting for the fundraiser for the high school; and now I am doing preschool  home visits.  My goodness gravy, no wonder I am tired.

The wedding was fun.  It was in Sedona, which is so beautiful and in my top ten of favorite cities along with Santa Fe, Taos, San Diego, Prescott, Flagstaff and others I can not think of.

Love Man and I entertained our table at the wedding dinner with true and unblemished stories of our lives.  Those of you that regularly read this blog know all the crazy stuff that seems to happen to us. We are truly not crazy enough and seem to want to share with others.

More later.  I need to leave for another "getting to know you visit."

Monday, August 13, 2012

First Day

So far, so good. 

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Love Man is a nut.  He is crazy about the Olympics.  I go back and forth with it.  I was totally tired of the Olympics.  But, last night, I watched the entire evening of coverage.  Beach volleyball fan - who knew!

I guess I like the gymnastics the best.  Although in school, I never ever could do a flip.  Ever. 

I suppose I like the drama and the back story.  I always did like the story of the story.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Called on the Carpet

Last night and this morning were registration for the girls at their schools.  I am glad it is over.
Basically, you just walk around and write checks.

But one of my children, basically told me not to talk to everybody and to only say HI to her friends and not try to have a conversation with them.  I also needed to keep all my conversations to a minimum.

She pretty much gave me my instructions in the car, similar to me giving her instructions prior to a birthday party when she was 5 or 6.

I more or less told a mom, "I am not allowed to say more than hi.  I can't have a conversation with you or be overly friendly."  I was being watched and my behavior was being monitored.

You know, she thought it was funny, too.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


This is an old picture, but not that much has changed.  The girls are bigger and Love Man is still crazy.  We are all still crazy.

This organization that I am in with the girls had a meeting for Miss Brunette's class.  We were supposed to submit a recipe that has a family significance.  I submitted whacky cake.  I was raised on it.  My girls are being raised on it.

Several of the mom's quipped at the meeting that they were not surprised that I was submitting a whacky cake.  Evidently, they find me whacky, too.  That sort of offended Miss B.  I said, "well, we are whacky."  "Well, they didn't have to say it like that."  I was seriously not offended.  It was a good laugh and better than being compared to liver and onions or prunes or depression cake.  It could be a lot worse.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


That dog is a nut.  They went insane yesterday thinking it was time to start walking to school.
I guess Blonde Girl wearing sneakers set them off.  Miss B had to walk them around the
block as there was no way they were not going for a walk.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

High Junior

As Love Man would say, "look at my baby." 

When Blonde Girl was younger, we would be driving around the neighborhood.  As she was sitting in her car, strapped in her car seat, she would say, "when I go to high junior."  She would begin every goal and aspiration with, "when I go to high junior."

Today, she is at the two-day orientation for high junior.  I hope it is everything she thought it was going to be when she was a small child.

By the way, she is holding Becca not Tree, her doll.  Yes, her beloved doll was named Tree.
That should have been my first clue......

Monday, July 30, 2012

It is Official

Miss Brunette and her friends from the pool are now certified lifeguards!  This was taken on their last day of class.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Small Town 4th of July

In Iowa, the girls went to the 4th of July celebrations with their cousins.  They had fun.  They watched a parade, were dunked in a dunk tank and participated in a frog jumping contest.  I guess the best time of all is the night before when the frogs are collected.  Sadly, they missed that.

They ate something called a walking taco and we now have to each tacos with Fritos Corn Chips.
It does taste great. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Big Fans

Do you know that show on the History Channel, "American Pickers?"  Well, we do and we are huge fans.  The store that Mike picks for is his own store, Antique Archaeology.  Naturally, we had to stop.
We were near Le Claire, Iowa, so we made our way to the store. 

Mike or his picking partner, Frank were not there.  But, lots of tourists were.  It was fun.

Love Man and the girls bought t-shirts.  

A lot of the stuff in the store, was picked on "American Pickers."  Remember the DeSoto and the "Majestic" sign?

LOL.  I am sure a gazillion t-shirts are sold there daily.