Tuesday, December 30, 2008

No More States

At long last, the girls have all the quarters for their map.
I don't know what they will do when they are very, very bored.

Monday, December 29, 2008

The Slow Process for De-Christmasing

I look around my house and all I can think is:
how am I ever going to get all this put away.
So, for now I am just going to enjoy it.
I am leaving the village and the snowmen.
They can come down around February 1.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Blonde Girl and the Camera

Blonde Girl gives them lots of pup corn.
So, they will pose like this.

This is actually the best picture we have ever gotten of Sam.

They are cute and they know it.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Too Much Food

We had a great Christmas.
We consumed way too much food.
Love Man wants to go into rehab for food addiction.
It rained off and on all day and most of the night.
Hopefully, I can ride my bicycle later today.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Naughty Elves

It happens every year.
The naughty elves that live in our neighborhood!
I can only imagine it lit with my reindeer's heads moving.
The elves spent a lot of time getting this configuration. . . .
I am sure they are not on the "nice" list with Santa.
Naturally, Love Man thinks it is hilarious and wants to leave it.
I told we couldn't as families drive through our neighborhood to see the lights.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Boy is Back

He's back!

He is back and immediately took down my Snow Man flag and put up his U of M flag.

Apparently, we are going to be like the Queen and fly her flag when she is in that particular castle.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Love Man is Almost Here

The man should arrive today.
We are excited to see him.
I finished wrapping my last 5 presents,
baked cookies,
made lasagna
and am now going to make lotion.
Get the recipe from my mother.
It is great.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Angel

You know those angel trees?
Well, my church has one.
The first one I grabbed wanted the following items:
a broom with a dust pan
a wall clock.
I took it.
And, my recipient was a man.
I hope he has a happy Christmas.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

We Are Done

We are officially on winter break.
Thank God.
Love Man will be here Sunday or Monday.
He reports having three feet of snow in CdA.
People keep telling us the chihuahuas will be fine.
I wonder. . . . . . .

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I Want My Mummy

Miss Brunette is doing a unit in science on Egypt.

One of their projects was to mummify a cornish game hen.

Behold Professor Chicken Cluck-Cluck.

She was in a group of 6 students and won the drawing to bring it home.

Yeah for me.

It now resides on her desk and will last for 3,000 years.

Apparently, there were some hard feelings over her winning the drawing.

I am sure King Tut's mother had the same teenage angst.

Monday, December 15, 2008


I had to put the dogs shirts and sweaters to go outside this morning.
They don't do winter.
They are capable of walking backwards if they feel it is too cold.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


We went on a horse drawn carriage this weekend.
It was great.
Then, we went and checked out this gingerbread village.

We could almost make the peppermint house.
It is mostly gumdrops and peppermint candies.
Of course, I don't have gingerbread house molds. . . . . .

It is recycled for animal food after the holidays.
I didn't know animals could have so much sugar.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Love Man is Cold

Love Man reports that the weather in CDA has turned colder.
He is concerned about snowy, mountain driving.
He lost his glove.
I told him we should have gotten the kind that attach to his jacket.
Then, he can keep track of his gloves.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Preparations

We drug out the Santa Village.
The girls still like it.
I take it to preschool with me,
but have to bring it home with me every night as they may need it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Junior Assembly and Junior Wannabe

Blonde Girl wasn't going to let me take Miss Brunette's picture for JA one more time.
She needed her moment and her Phoenix Suns shirt was not going to do.
She is wearing Miss Brunette's former Christmas dress.
P.S. See the wreath?
BG made it in 2nd grade.
She now describes it as taking her weeks to make.
It is made of napkins.
But, looks so chic!

Monday, December 8, 2008


I think Love Man is finding CDA a bit cold.
Although, the people are very warm and nice.
This morning his car window would not go back up.
He did have to drive all the way to work with the window down.

He is probably colder today.

He said it was going to snow for three days.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Equal Time

Blonde Girl's nativity set.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Done, Done, Done

I am done with school!
Until I get my CDA,
I am not taking any classes as they won't count until I get the CDA.
I have to pass an interview and a 50 point test.
So, I won't have to take another class until probably August.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Saturday in the Park


Doesn't the poncho look cute on Blonde Girl?

It is from the Beloved Niece collection.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Not Again

I hate to keep talking about the village.

It is still lit.

Yes, I am on my second timer.

Yes, I know how to use them.I presently have 6 that are doing a beautiful job.

I am thinking a need a timer that is controls via remote control.

I think the weight of bookshelf, extension cords and power strips are screwing things up.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Stupid Neighborhood

This morning Miss Brunette reported that the village was still lit.
It is on a timer.
Somehow the timer got shut off,
but I could not let the houses stay lit 24/7.
I have 3 -4 extension cords, a power strip and a timer.
I don't want to burn the house down.
So, I had to move the book shelf again.
We are back in business.

Monday, December 1, 2008

It Takes A Village

The village is up and out.
It was a nightmare plagued with technical difficulties.
But, it is now all lit up and the boxes are stored away.
Today I do not love it.
But, tomorrow is another day in the neighborhood.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

On to Christmas

Love Man did leave on Saturday.
We are sad.
We mostly have the house decorated for Christmas.
I still need to put ornaments on the tree.
It has lights.
I wasn't going to put up the village.
But, Love Man was shocked and said,
"what no village".
I didn't think he loved the village.
Soooo, that may have to go up.
We don't have two large trees this year.
The pre-lit tree died,
I will never again buy a pre-lit tree.
I kicked it to the curb.
Adios, tree.
no tree in the family room.
It was fate,
because the recently acquired sofa has changed the configuration in the room.
But, here is what I have done so far:
tree up and lit
three poinsettias purchased and around
Spode Christmas dishes in place of other dishes
Christmas quilts up, I can't believe I am saying this, but I could use another one.
Bookshelves filled with Christmas items.
Flag on outside of house.
Lights on the house - Love Man did that
Reindeer in yard - Love Man also did that
Girls trees in their room
Christmas pillows out and around
Snowglobes out
Snowmen in place
Nativity's the girls made in Sunday school out and set up
So, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
I pretty much put everyday stuff away and go with Christmas stuff.

Black Friday

Yes, I was out.
I normally go with my friend, Mrs. C.
But, she bailed.
I hit Kohl's at 4:00
Walmart at 5:00
Target at 6:00
Kmart to kill time and get two no essential things.
Then, Tuesday Morning at 8:00.
I am a proud owner of a Dyson vacuum.
That Dyson does deserve to be a knight.
Also, Love Man is the happy recipient of a 1.1 quart Stanley thermos.
He has always wanted one.
I also got a DVD player,
ours died.
So, that has been nice to be able to watch movies again.
The girls are loving that.
Kohl's had down comforters for $34 something.
I got one.
Yes I already has one in a duvet.
The combo is heaven.
And, yes I did buy presents.
I am now done shopping,
except for some odds and ends.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

My turkey complete with sour kraut .
Or, known as kraut in my side of the family.
Herb stuffing.
That, and mashed potatoes, with lots of olives.
Yes, I still love them, and you have dinner.
I used to get into trouble and asked to refrain my eating too many olives.
I now buy a very large jar.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Miss Brunette and Junior Assemby

Second night of Junior Assembly.
She had a great time and danced with 5 boys!
For some reason I can never rotate these pictures.
I will ask Love Man to do it.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Blue Willow

I was in TJ Maxx and these plates reminded me of my Grandma.
So, I bought two.
I seem to be acquiring two of various dessert plates.
They are generally by Spode or Johnson Brothers,
and normally have kobalt blue in them.
My Grandma had both Spode and Johnson Brothers.
She bought them at a dime store!
She also never let anyone use them.
I tried many times,
as I liked dishes even as a child.
I guess she liked them so much,
she didn't want them to be broken.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Blah, Blah, Blah

Sadly, I am been doing homework since I woke up.
The girls are still asleep,
but are going over to the Little Pink Haired Girl's House.
(Friends, from blog archive)
I am sure she is HOT for them to arrive
and has probably been waiting for them since 7:30 a.m.

Have a great Sunday.
Love Man arrives tomorrow and will be working from Phoenix.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

School Daze

I started my last class today.
It was good.
Tomorrow I am going to do my homework.
Monday I am going to send off my info for my CDA
and fix things in my CDA book,
which I keep until I have an interview and take my exam.
Then, I only have to take 1 -2 classes per year.
I suppose it keeps my mind sharp.

Friday, November 21, 2008

I Wish I Were A Fish

Blonde Girl's Barbie.

Miss Brunette's Bailey.
The girls each have a beta fish.
Never mind the betas are boys,
Blonde Girl and Miss Brunette refer to them as girls.
They are thrilled out of their minds to have these fish.
They talk to them,
worry about them,
and miss them terribly when they are not in the room.
Hopefully, this devotion will last beyond the first day.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Home Sick

We are home today.
Blonde Girl threw-up at the end of the Brownie field trip.
I am sure she will be in school tomorrow.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Free Things Again!

They were giving these away at my favorite restaurant,
IN-N-OUT Burgers.
Don't worry Beloved Niece,
I got one for you.
IN-N-OUT are only in California, Arizona and Nevada.
If you come to visit me,
don't worry we will go.
I hate to say it,
but the hamburgers are better than Maid-Rite!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Carrying a Torch

I am soooo pleased that Love Man is reading the blog.
And, posting responses.
He never had too much interest in my little blog,
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Fruit Pictures

Flowers to start the new lemons.


First naval oranges!

I Enjoy Growing Citrus

I never was a tomato person,
oh sure, in a nice pasta sauce.
But, to actually eat a tomato.
But, I love growing citrus.
This year we have lemons, oranges and beer limes.
You know, corona limes!
I have never been able to grow an orange tree.
Finally, we have one and it has FRUIT.
I can not wait.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


The first lemons of the season are ready!
The rest will be done, but can get juicier on the tree until March.
Lemonade anyone?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Junior Assembly

Here she is, Miss Brunette ready for her first night of Junior Assembly,
where she will dance and learn social graces.
She is in a group with kids in her school.
She has to wear a dress or skirt and blouse, dress shoes and white gloves.
She was pretty excited.
We headed to TJ Maxx for the dresses.
She grows so fast,
I only buy her clothes on a need something basis.
All of the dresses have black in them.
Thank God, as it is very hard to find dress shoes in 9 1/2 or 10 women,
that fit her skinny foot and are appropriate.
Black is usually the only color.
I will try to get her to try them on for me and take pictures.
The boys have to wear a coat and tie.
She danced with 4 boys, two she didn't know - they discussed CIMI.
Her other two dance partners are in her grade at LOM.
She had a great time and was very smiley when she got home.

Here she is getting ready.

Monday, November 10, 2008


I now have to put new fabric on my pillows.
I have the fabric.
I have the sewing machine.
One of you needs to come over and make them for me.
I am sewing challenged.

The Sofa

We had to move around some things,
but it is working in this room.
My mom wanted to know if they had another one.
This was it.