Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Car Story #1
Blonde Girl had soccer practice and I was to pick up her friend, Molly.
Molly's mom had parent/teacher conferences,
she is a teacher like almost ALL of my friends.
I picked up Molly and drove them to practice.
Love Man was to pick them up and deliver Molly home, as I had Bunco.
I was driving home.
All of a sudden my battery light went out.
I thought, "oh, I must be needing a new battery."
The heat in Arizona is very hard on batteries and they must be replaced often.
Batteries either die and refuse to start on a hot summer morning
or keel over in the fall when it is cooler.
Then, it another light went on - one I had never seen before, a water pitcher inside a battery.
I tried to get over, but there was too much traffic on Greenway Parkway.
By this time, I am up the the stop light closer to my house.
Naturally, I had to wait at the light.
I noticed my temperature gauge was rising.
By the time I could turn it was around 100 degrees, but not in the red.
My power steering was no longer working.
This really didn't faze me as I drove a 1969 Buick LeSabre in high school and college,
I was used to cars that didn't steer well.
I turned and suddenly pop, water exploded out of my hood.
That really startled me!
The temperature gauge returned to 80 degrees.
I am now at the turn for my house.
I decide to drive to my house.
I was going to make it.
I was at the last stop sign and my car starting smoking.
I think it was steam, but who knows.
I practically cut off a car so I could go and pulled in the driveway.
I got out of the car.
I phoned Love Man.
He said, "don't park in the garage"
You think?

Tune in soon for the rest of the story.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

An Issue

My car was in the shop today.
Yesterday was a nightmare because of it.
I will tell you about it tomorrow.
I need to go to BG's conference.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Miss Brunette HID her Trunk or Treat candy from me.
Don't ask me how I found out.
I just did, that's all.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Trunk or Treat

We went last night to Trunk or Treat.
I almost asked this guy where in the world he got his costume.
His back hair was all over his arms, shoulders and neck.
Then I realized it was NOT a costume.
One word, WAX.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Parrotheads Unite

Last night Love Man and I went to the best birthday party. It was for one of my former teaching partner's (aka "Mother", which is what Mrs. A. and I call her) husband.

They had a band on the driveway. It was awesome. I found two you tube videos featuring the David Dodt Band.

They really were great. I am ready to go see them again. The party was sort of Parrothead themed, as Mother and the birthday boy are in the Jimmy Buffet Parrothead Club. That may not be the proper name, but you know - they are Parrotheads.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Wheels are Turning. . . . .

I didn't get called to sub today.
Thank God!
You all do know I sub on Mondays and Fridays at my preschool?
I had to take my vehicle back to the repair shop.
I had an oil change and since that time,
the car has leaked and makes a funny sound when I start it.
Turns out, an "O ring" was pinched and this was causing all of the trouble.
The best part of all,

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Will it Ever End?

It has been a bit of a long week.
And, today it rained.
It rained yesterday and Monday.
Yesterday, I had to walk this girl I work with to her car.
I had an umbrella.
Actually, I walked her to my car and drove her to her car.
Seriously, I did.
This is something only an Arizona native would have someone do.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ta Da

Off to the doctor for routine exams.
We are fine.
Nothing much to report.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Pirates Among Us

Today was the first day of my pirate enrichment class.
Aye, it was a hit!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Back into the Swing

We are back in the swing of things.
I subbed today.
The girls are back in school.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

All Good

Love Man and I hiked today.
It was pretty good.
I wouldn't recommend pumpkin bread and Diet Dr. Pepper before such an undertaking.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

I've Got Mail

I got a wedding invitation yesterday from my cousin.
I used to call him Step Hen.
In fact, I still do sometimes.
When I was first learning to write,
he spelled his name out for me.
I was astonished.
The spelling made absolutely no sense to me.
I hadn't had phonics yet.
He is getting married to a nice lady in a couple of weeks.
I am happy for them.
Guess how the invitation was addressed?
Well, it had our names on it and then Miss Brunette and Blonde Girl!
The actual names "Miss Brunette" and "Blonde Girl".
Hee, hee.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Green is the New Blue

We are still having pool issues.
I have been to the pool store three times.
Love Man has done everything that they told us to do.
This week, I purchased liquid chlorine and that seemed to help.
I do think it is finally getting better.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Oh and Yeah

Did I mention that my mom is visiting.
Today, we did a bit of shopping and errands.
It was fun.
Mom likes the Ross.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Don't you just love Fall.
I am a huge fan of Halloween.
I love it.
I love the colors and that wonderful smell in the candy aisle.
That might be the best part.
At this time of year, I start craving Almond Joy.
The girls don't love them and give them to me
after they have rifled through their Halloween haul.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A Ghost of A Chance

We made this ghost by using a sheet from
Miss Brunette's Greek and Roman Days costume and putting it over our Scare Crow.
We used a motrin lid to trace the eyes and
Miss B. colored them in with a Sharpie.
We bought the birds at the Dollar Tree after being inspired by the $29.95 birds in the Pottery Barn catalog. We have four birds and one spider in total, in addition to the ghost.
So in all:
1 scary ghost
4 birds (and I still hate them, that is why they are scary)
1 spider
1 "Trick or Treat" sign
1 house flag of a haunted house
2 happy girls who like this stuff

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Just Like A Spider

We have got this Fall thing down and
thank God it is Fall Break. I am so done.
I really am. The girls seem a bit tired.
Blonde Girl has recovered from her illness,
but is exhausted at night.

Friday, October 8, 2010

As the Pool Turns

Our pool is now this color.
In fact, this is an actual photo of our pool water.
We have been back and forth to the pool store
THREE different times. I hope we have the
right recipe now.
We normally never have any trouble with our water.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Full Recovery

Sadie is fine from her apparent leg injury.
In fact, she went to the shot clinic last weekend and has a grooming appointment this Friday.
Don't ask, I have wanted too long and she is a mess. She needs a twice yearly "strip".
Caesar Milan was on "Sunday Morning"
last Sunday and said, "when I die, I want to come back as a dog in America."

Wednesday, October 6, 2010



Leaves ripped from the trees.

A lot of rain.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Perfect Storm

It stormed and hailed like you would not believe today. All of that white stuff is hail.
Hail! Trees are down and our yard is a mess.
Photos of that disaster tomorrow.
The desert smells fantastic after a rain.

See all of that water? It is headed for our the
Rainbow room.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Busy, Busy

I had a busy day running around doing errands and meeting up with a friend.
It was great!
I do not do this enough.

More tomorrow.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Oh Yeah

Blonde Girl is better.
She missed two days of school.
Her fever broke about noon yesterday.
Sadly, she could not attend the Fall Festival at my preschool.
She was super upset.
Given the 101 plus fever and vomiting,
there was no way she could go.
Her only outing yesterday was the pet store and she had to rest up before and after.
And, Sadie stopped limping after about a day.
They had a great time at the shot clinic.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dog Day Afternoon

We are off to a the shot clinic at this locally owned pet food store.
They also sell bunnies and chickens.
Love Man and I sat around the kitchen table trying to figure out what dog needed what.
We did and new files were made for each canine.
Sadie and Sam are the lucky contestants.
Abby has a reprieve until December.
My friend, Amy is going with one of her dogs.
Blonde Girl and her little daughter can look at the chickens together.
I wonder if Blonde Girl is still afraid of them?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Daily Dose

Seriously, Nutella helps me get through the day. I love it. You ought to try it on
graham crackers. Add a toasted marshmallow and it is a better s'more.
If you could possibly improve a s'more.