Sunday, February 28, 2010

Last Night

We went to a birthday party for one of the more spirited girls in my bunco,
err drunco group.
She is unique and unrepeatable.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Single Man

I went to see "The Single Man" with my very first friend in Phoenix.
It was interesting and cinematically beautiful.
Colin Firth did not even seem like his usual charming self.
And, as he is my boyfriend,
I ought to know.
I am glad I saw it.
I know he won a BAFTA for his performance,
but I don't know if he is going to win an Academy Award.
Julianne Moore was fabulous,
as always.
This is not a movie for my mother or her friends.
So, you have been warned.
It is a must see for Miss G.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Thin Mint Addiction

Last night, I found another unfortunate box of GS thin mints.
It was hiding in the freezer.
We took care of it.
Apparently, Miss B did not take part of the mass consumption of the cookies.
She claims that she hardly had any.
I am not sure.

I do believe I have an addiction to thin mints,
although they don't taste as good to me this year.
I don't know why.
But, they taste different to me.
It could be because I am trying to stay away from all of that stuff and focus on pure chocolate.
Or, it could be that damned chocolate almond cake from Julia Child's MAFC book.
Whatever it is,
I kept throwing the cookies in the direction of the other unsuspecting members of my family.
Let them eat cookies.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Another Week - Gone

Another week almost gone.
Blonde Girl is coasting into the end of the week with her homework.
She has most of it done.
Miss B has a book report,
which I am sure will torture her as she finishes it.
Love Man still enjoying the new job and the beautiful drive to work.

Another Day

Evidentially, I have less than 30 teaching days left for the year.
The year.
The Rainbow year.
Where did the time go?
This class is less funny,
and more sweet.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Who Ate the Cookies

I brought Sadie with me to soccer practice.
We walked with another mom for an hour.
It was good.
Then, I got home and we opened and ate all of the GS cookies.
All of them.
At least I won't be tempted anymore.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Daily Adventures

Blonde Girl accompanied Miss B to volleyball practice,
to play with a friend.
She thought she was pretty fabulous to do able to do so.
And, she did FOUR pages of homework and her spelling and some multiplication problems!
You might think it is all glamorous,
but I do have to put clean sheets on my bed as a DOG threw up between my and Love Man's pillows.
Love Man did say I cleaned up the mess and laid down a fresh towel faster then a pit team at
the Indy 500.
I have had had plenty of practice.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Miss Brunette and I watched this film this weekend.
It was great.
I am sure the "Coco avant Chanel" will win for best costumes.
Miss G, you need to rent this from Red Box.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I Love Geraniums

My flowers are looking pretty good.
The petunias are pretty and the geraniums are really beginning to grow.
This is last year's geraniums that were near my front door.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Rained Out

Blonde Girl's soccer game was rained out.
Now, that we have our handy dandy rain gauge,
I can report that it rained an 1/8 of an inch.
I feel like my mother.
I can read the gauge,
this is from the previous storm where it rained about an inch.
I photographed it at 3/4 of an inch.
It does help to have the large letter rain gauge.
I feel very Iowan today.

Friday, February 19, 2010


I am so glad it is Friday.
It is good to have some time to recoup and recover the house.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Today were our conferences at SRP.
They went pretty well.
Sometimes it is hard to talk about someone's baby.
I am very tired.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Day Two

Another day of making the mosaic pavers for the preschool auction.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

It's Back

The mosaic nightmare is back.
This time it is pavers,
someone STOLE the pot idea.
I am serious and yes,
I am aware that I didn't invent the mosaic pot.
It was stolen nevertheless.
The photo is of the same paver,
only cleaned up.
I don't know why I get stuck with this.
And, it is not easy with about 16 little hands slapping down the tiles.
And, actually the pavers are easier.
Much easier.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The Party

It went great.
Cameras batteries were dead at purchase.
So, no pictures.
We had six girls TOTAL.
I borrowed neighbor Meggan's (from Iowa) minivan.
I have only driven one ONCE around the block.
And, then once through the country in Iowa.
I drove very slowly.
We had the pizza.
Attended the "Valentine's Day" movie.
It was cute.
Then, had ice cream and cupcakes,
naturally served from a cupcake tree.
Miss Brunette was very happy.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Sunday is a nice day for Valentine's Day.
It is more relaxed,
except we are preparing for Miss Brunette's birthday party.
It is tomorrow.
We are having a pizza lunch and going to see the movie "Valentine's Day"
with six of her friends.
Then home again for cupcakes and ice cream.
I am making the pizzas, cupcakes and ice cream myself.
I think I am going to make a batch the ice cream today.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Word About Movies

I keep getting comments about the amount of movies I see.
Keep in mind,
we rarely go to restaurants.
We don't go to bars.
We hike or walk or ride bikes for fun and exercise.
But, we do enjoy going to the movies.

If you only see one to five movies at a theater in a 5 year period,
then the only two movies I can recommend are "Blind Side" and "It's Complicated".
"Avatar" would be too much for you.
"Crazy Heart" would be way too much for you.
I liked "Crazy Heart", but it is bittersweet and gritty.
It is the kind of movie that you don't know what twists and turns it will take or how it will end.

One of my favorite TV shows is "Masterpiece Theater".
They just finished with Jane Austen's "Emma".
It was great.
I love those period sagas.
Love Man will say "look a show with funny hats!
Are you recording it?"

Do you know why I like all this stuff?
It is because you never know how it is going to end.
If you take a movie that I love,
like "Notting Hill" with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant.
Because it has Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant,
you know what is going to happen.
You know they will fall in love.

Some of these indie or foreign films,
you don't know who is going to get the girl or guy or what is going to happpen.
That makes it interesting.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Wheels are Turning

Did I tell you that I had a blow-out on 7th Street?
It was so weird.
Naturally, my trunk for chock full of princess paraphernalia.
Tiaras, tulle skirts, specters, earrings and bins to make trunks.
The guy from AAA kept staring at the JUNK in MY TRUNK.
I told him, "don't you judge me".
Some people.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sweets for the Sweet

We made cakes with the children for Valentine's Day.

Several children claimed that they should eat the candy toppings
in lieu of using them to decorate their cakes.
Some ate them anyway.

Others stuck with the minimalist approach.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Big Day

The Rainbow Room's Valentine's Day party is tomorrow.
Generally, the children are very excited.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Girl's Night

Tonight is Girl's Night at the preschool.
We used to call it Mom's Night,
but are not allowed to anymore.
So, I call it Girl's Night Out!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday, Monday

The girls are doing homework.
I am ironing.
Oh, the glamour of it.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Date Night Saturday Night

Last night Love Man and I went to see "Up in the Air".
It is with George Clooney and he plays a guy who flies around the country firing people.
It was sad and funny,
but really good and definitely worth seeing.
If you see only FIVE movies this year,
here are what you need to see:


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Daddy Daughter Dance

Love Man and Blonde Girl attended the Daddy Daughter Dance.
Blonde Girl and I drove by on our way to the Dairy Queen
and there were a TON of people there.
There is about 500 "couples" that attend this shin ding.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Work and Work and Work

I am working on my house today.
There is no rest for the truly wicked.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

CPR for Dummies

I just finished taking my renewal on my CPR certification.
I wonder if I could do it in the correct way and order.
They say, "anything is better than nothing".

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Blonde Girl Does It Again

Last night was the 4th grade band concert.
Blonde Girl was a hit.
And, I do mean a hit.
She is quite good on the drums and then you add in her synchronized moves.
The director predicts that she will be in a girl band.
We had no idea as she practices in her head.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Week Two

I can report that Love Man likes his new job.
He doesn't even mind the drive.
He used to complain about not being able to watch the national news.
Now he can LISTEN to it for 92 miles.

Monday, February 1, 2010

We Hate Mondays

Every Monday, as I am driving Miss B to school,
she says "I hate Mondays".
She never wants to go to school on Monday.
By the time she gets home from school,
she has recovered.

I am inclined to agree.