Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Going to the Dogs

Relations between un-Neighbor John are still not the best.  In fact, John may have accidentially or on purpose squirted Love Man with his garden hose or sprinkler.  Love Man was not amused.

In fact, Love Man yelled at John.

One of the perps!

We try not to let our dogs bark in the daytime for more than three minutes and they n
ow run in like maniacs if we even speak in a normal tone the word "treat."

I don't know what else to say about this

Friday, March 22, 2013

Undefeatable Fan

The University of Montana got a shellacking last night.  Love Man watched it until the bitter end as
Syracuse beat them soundly.  Miss Brunette said, "it's not looking too good, dude" and  went into her room. 

Blonde Girl was simply too busy dancing and singing in her room.

I sat with him for a bit.

I had to put out the Grizzly flag in case any one doubted his loyalty, of course that was before the game.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Long Arm of the Law

Yesterday, I started physical therapy for my arm.  It was good.  But, now my arm hurts.

I broke it when I was working at a soup kitchen for this charity organization that is for moms and daughters.  Our organization and one for sons was prepping for painting the interior and exterior.
The person that was to bring the ladders did not.  I was using a step stool, but after I threw something away - it was gone.  I started using a ladder. 

We had to move to another room and I was almost done putting the tape on the ceiling to protect it from the new paint.  I don't know if I was stepping to the ground or setting to the bench.  But, the bench was really rickety and I fell.  I landed on  my back and then hit my head.

I did not pass out.  I remember thinking as I was falling, "I am going to be hurt."

Two nurses were working on the painting and iced me to death.  After much discussion, my friend Mrs. A. drove me home to get my insurance card and Love Man took me to urgent care.  They said I was fine.  They did a x-ray and sent me on my way.  They did not even wrap my arm.

Love Man thought I should go back down there and work.  My car was there and so was Miss Brunette.  We stopped for a sodie and he drove me back.  I did not get on a chair to paint, but touched up for the rest of our time.

The next day I said to Love Man, "I ought to be able to turn my palms up."  I drove Blonde Girl to confirmation and went to church. 

I wasn't using my arm very much.  But, I wrote my article about the event for the local "paper".  I may have also vacuumed.

Love Man kept telling me, "don't hold your arm like that" and "you have got to use your arm."   Etc.
You get the picture.

My cell phone rang, it was the urgent care place, "the radiologist has read your report and you have a fracture, you need to come here immediately for a splint."

Someone in our house felt bad.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Spring Break

I have no idea why this photo is upside down, but I am going with it.
I know, I know - I have many stories to tell.  How I broke my arm.  The arm update.  What we are up to.  Yadda yadda yadda.  We are also having a bit of trouble with un-neighbor John.  I will get to all of this and more this week.

Right now, our handyman is here because when Love Man was rinsing the dishes - the wand that you pull out to do so, sprung a leak.  He could not get the faucet off and we had to get our long suffering handyman to come over on a Sunday night.  Let me just say this, he has the right tools and the know how.

We are going to shop for dresses and skirts this week for the girls.  And, a nice pair of shoes for Blonde Girl, who is not so blonde right now as we cut off about 5 inches of her hair.  What we cut off was the platinum from last summer.  Now, she wants highlights.  I told her that she would be really blonde again in no time.

Miss Brunette is now a certified swimming instructor having passed the Star Swimming Institute training.  Next up Driver's Ed classes which is not a part of the curriculum, but separate in Arizona.
She is exhausted from a gazillion projects and tests, 36 hours of SSI instruction and charity work for NCL.  She is determined for us to earn an award for mother daughter combined hours.  Don't think we are too fabulous, we are earning the lowest rank of awards - a 50 hour mother/daughter combined service hours.  Who whoooo!  But we are going to make it.  I have done that last 10 with a broken arm!  Maybe I should get a special award for that.

Monday, March 4, 2013

I Told You I was Sick

Old picture.  Room is completely purple now. 
We are doing fine.  Blonde Girl had to get picked up from school this morning.  Her throat hurts and she is gaggy.  She looked pale.  I wasn't even at work before she was texting me with her ailments.  I told her "go to the nurse."  I was at work for about 45 minutes subbing.  I told them, "don't bother paying me."  I had one phone call and many texts.

While talking to the nurse, we had a fire drill.  I said, "okay, now there is a fire drill.  Have my daughter text me what I am supposed to do."  I stayed for the drill and then left.  OMG.

Maybe they were a little glad to see  me go.