Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Slug Bug

I didn't do that much today.
Blonde Girl was on a sleepover and we were happy to see her go.
Miss Brunette and I watched "The Closer" and then a Masterpiece Contemporary movie called
"The Curator".
I think that is what is was called.
It was great.
Then, we watched "Bell, Book and Candle".
I love DVRs.
Neighbor Meggan called us and we walked through the park with the dogs and kids.
I made dinner and am now looking for a book to read.
Winter Break has its perks.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Cheer

On Christmas Eve,
Love Man drove around the neighborhood.
He nearly got mobbed at the park.
We went to our friend's house and she BELIEVED.
It was hilarious.

We followed Santa in the car.
Too funny.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

We attended the children's service
late yesterday afternoon. Blonde Girl and all of the other Sunday School kids sang and did a lot of the service.

After dinner, we drove around and looked at the lights. Our neighborhood is known for the Christmas lights.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Home Improvement

Did I tell you that Love Man is
making a patio in our backyard?
It is where the Adirondack chairs sit.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Our fruit is ready.
I have lots of lemons.

The oranges are good.
Look at the one on the far left bottom,
a lot of our fruit is dented from the hail.

These lemons are the first fruits of this tree, which is always exciting.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

In the Air Today

We are getting all of the rain from California.
It rained yesterday and is going to rain for the next two days.
The moisture in the air feels good.
Miss B and Blonde Girl keep saying,
"it smells like Iowa."
That is what they say everytime it rains.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Half Baked

Do you bake and make candy around Christmas?
I do.
So far I have made chocolate peppermint cookies,
Caramel Corn, OMG.
Chex Mix, which is always great.
Fudge, which is one of my faves.
And, Lasagna for Christmas Day.
My English friend thinks it is barking mad that I have lasagna.
Lots of folks of Italian descent serve this for Christmas dinner.
Okay, I am not Italian but have some Mediterranean blood in me.
I have filled my tins and we are going to be delivering them in the next couple of days.
I am sorry to say Neighbor John will not be getting anything.
He is still on the naughty list.
He will miss my cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning.
I always made extra for him.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

This and That

Love Man just drove Blonde Girl to a rehearsal for the church Christmas Eve Children's Service.
She was not delighted.
Her friend, the Little Blonde Haired Girl, is still here waiting for her to come home.
Then, I believe to two of them are going back to Amy's house.
That is my plan.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Not the best day.
The kids at school were more naughty than nice.
I am helping Miss Brunette finish this huge heritage project.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Hummus Among Us

I made hummus for tonight's party for my work.
It is so easy.
Take two cans of chick peas,
otherwise known as garbanzo beans.
Drain and keep the juices.
Put the chick peas in a blender or food processor.
Add minced (three cloves) of garlic.
Add a heaping tablespoon of tahini.
Squeeze one lemon into the mix.
Pour in some olive oil.
Blend and add some of the reserved bean juice to make it creamy.
It should be able to blend with no problem.
I make my hummus in the blender,
so I am basing this all on blending.
Cover with olive oil.
Put it in a covered container.
Serve in a few hours or whenever with pita chips.
Tell your children it is bean dip and NOT hummus.
It will be a hit.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Red Alert, Red Alert

You know my beloved Circle K?
Guess what???
They have a RED BOX vending machine.
It is truly a Christmas miracle.

Look at my youngest baby.
This was taken a few years ago,
when Red Box came to Arizona.
I love Red Box.
Love it.
Love it.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Church Chat

I was so late for church this morning.
Blonde Girl had a wardrobe crisis when I thought she was ready to go.
We did make it.
Later than my usual late.
My friend, Mrs. Wright holds my seat until 9:03.
I had to scooch some people over to claim my spot.
I did not know them as it is the season.
It was all good.

There were a lot of new sightings of those awful Christmas sweaters.
Many of those said sweaters were worn with accompanying silver bell or reindeer earrings.
One lady wore a snowman sweater,
complete with jaunty red hat.

We quietly amused overselves during all of the songs associated with communion.
Mrs. Wright also thinks we need to add to our "What Not To Wear" list.
This year, we are adding the Christmas ties.
In particular, the ones that play music.

I told her, I may show up to church wearing my Christmas tree skirt.
It is very cute and made of various shades of burgundy and green.
It is not an actual skirt,
but the one for my former, second large tree.
I need to fit in.
Now, that would be festive.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Rest is History

We have been a smidge busy.

MONDAY - Was Santa's Workshop for me and later that night a concert at the Junior High.

It was good. It was outside with those lovely white lights I love.

TUESDAY - School for me and Santa's Workshop. I also drove Blonde Girl to soccer and attended the bunco Christmas party. We play that game where you open a gift and others can take it away so many times. I was sadly, number one, and did not get a gift others stole.

WEDNESDAY - School. Blonde Girl had to finish her project on Napoleon, complete with a poster board and diorama.

THURSDAY - The last day of Santa's Workshop. Whew! The children had a great time and it really wasn't so bad this year as we had a head elf. Miss Brunette has to do map tonight.

Love Man is enlisted to help her.

So that is what we have been up to. Blonde Girl is finishing up her homework. She is a tad behind due to Napoleon. But, tomorrow is Friday and her last soccer practice until mid-January.

Saturday is her last game of this season.

NEXT WEEK - Tryouts for activities for both girls. Oh God, I can not talk about it.

I have another gift exchange party for my school. Miss Brunette has many projects due.

We are looking forward to beginning of Winter Break, which begins next Friday.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Weekend Update

We had our usual weekend of stuff.
I drove Blonde Girl to soccer and her friend Molly came home with us to spend the night.
Friday night, we drove around and looked at the Christmas lights in our neighborhood.
We then had hot chocolate.
The next day, I served the girls homemade waffles.
Have I mentioned my very old waffle maker is on its way out?
I think the plug looks pretty rickety.
Love Man drove Molly and Blonde Girl to their soccer game.
I stayed home to run some errands and get us ready to go to Payson.
We went to Payson for the Electric Light Parade.
In fact, we marched in the hospital kazoo and bedpan band.
But, before that, the girls and I saw "Tangled".
We had a couple of hours to kill before the parade.
"Tangled" was really good.
Yesterday, I finished putting the ornaments on our tree and Love Man put up the lights.
I also wrapped some presents and finished the laundry.
This morning, I have already been to the orthodontist with Miss Brunette and am
getting ready to go to work for the Santa's Workshop.
TTYL, I need to finish some things before I go to school.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Love Man Strikes Again

Love and Other Drugs

Saw "Love and Other Drugs",

Do you know where vg is from?
"Bridget Jones's Diary".
Very good.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

And So it Begins. . . .

All of the stuff of the holidays are beginning.
Tonight is Blonde Girl's band concert.
I made it through the first week of the Christmas workshop.
I almost had to take a nap before I came home from work.
But, thanks to a 44 ounce Diet Dr. Depper from the Circle K,
I am good to go.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas is Coming a Bit Early

Nothing is fitting Blonde Girl.
We are heading to the Old Navy as soon as the homework is done.