Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Shared Gift

You would not believe what Blonde Girl did. You know the paperwhite kits that they sell at
Target and all over? We bought two for her math teachers. She was to give each teacher one kit. She also wanted to give one to her homeroom teacher. I told her yes, but we needed wait until Thursday and we would get her one. I was buying too much at the time at the Target. Does that ever happen to you?

Anyway, off we go to school the next morning. I carried the gift bags and I assumed she gave them to her teachers. A few days later, we were driving back to the Target. I said, "We can get that paperwhite kit for your teacher."

She said, "I already gave her one."

"What? How. You only had two and you were to give them to your math teachers." was my answer.

"I have my homeroom teacher one and one to my math teachers. I told them they needed to share."

Share? Omg. Really?

I guess she taught them a thing or two about division. We bought another kit and I told her to take it to them and sort the mess out. Honestly. They think she is cute.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Christmas was fun. I have been sick with this sneezy, coughy thing. That part was not fun.

I am hoping I will live. The girls liked their presents, which was great. We have not been doing too much around here. Love Man is back at work, but the rest of us are slugging it around.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

One More Day

We have one more day of school. Yipee! Let the Christmas begin. I think we are ready.
Ready enough is more like it.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Fire Alarm

Did I tell you my iron, that is not that old, was smoking and sparking like crazy. It freaked the girls completely out. Love Man unplugged it and I was heading for the fire extinguisher. I phoned the company and they are sending a label for me to send it back. Then, they will send me a new iron.

They said, "what color were the sparks?"

Umm, is this a trick question?

I said, "ummm, grayish, white."

I must have had the correct answer.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Holiday Cheer

Love Man and I went to a party last night. We promised the girls an extra present if we came home to a clean house. It was pretty clean!

I just made lasagna for our Christmas dinner. I am presently baking it. After it cools, I will freeze it until the big day. Then, I just pop it in the oven. Easy. My English friend thinks I am INSANE to serve lasagna on Christmas. I always tell her, "turkey is for Thanksgiving and lasagna, prime rib, or turkey is for Christmas." I did not make the rules.

I also made a quadruple batch of Chex Mix. Last week I made two quadruple batches of the stuff. This batch today does not have Wheat Chex in it as it is for my friend who can't take

I need to bow up my tins. Voila! I used to match everything. Now, I just use raffia, any ribbon I have, any curling ribbon and whatever else I can find. Somehow it all works. I think Love Man is going to deliver them wearing his Santa suit driving his scooter!

This just in, I don't think we are sending out cards this year.......

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Under the Weather

It is cold and rainy here. Snowing a lot in Flagstaff. So, it rains here. The dogs do not like the weather. They hate going outside in it. I don't think they like to get their feet wet.

This is the last weekend of the special, Christmas class at my school. I painted 48 hands today to make reindeers. OMG. I am quite good at hand prints. It is my speciality.

That and parallel parking.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Nothing but an Elf

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted. I have been running around like a maniac. All is well with us. The girls have had concerts and soccer games - blah, blah, blah.

I have been working the Christmas class at our preschool. It is fun, but chaotic. There is this little boy and evidently he is an elf.

"I am an elf. I don't sleep at night. I go to the north pole every night and make toys."

"Oh, really," was my reply. "I once had a boy who was a dinosaur for the entire schoool year."

"Well, I am a real elf."

"Okay, that's cool." Whatever.

"Don't tell my mom. She gets so mad and sometimes starts screaming."


I can't tell you what his name is, but it is an elfy name. LOL.