Monday, April 13, 2009

Jury Duty

I had jury duty today, municipal court. My friend's husband, who is a judge, wrote down the best bus to take. He takes the bus down there every morning.

I meant to wake up at 5:45 and instead got up at 4;45, which I did not realize until I was out of the shower. I took a small nap.

I phoned the Phx Metro to confirm that I could catch Super #7 in the spot I would be. "Oh, yes," she assured me. I left my house at 6:50 in the morning. I made BG sleep in her clothes. I had the breakfast, snacks, water bottles, and backpacks ready to go. BG did not like her breakfast, she started making mac and cheese as I left the house. I later worried that she left the stove on. NOTE: my girls can both cook. They were to walk to school with MB's friend.

I was in my spot as I waited for the Super #7 bus. It went right on by. Another bus came. I got on it and was told I could still get there. It would take longer. I arrived at the courthouse 2o minutes later, which was actually not a problem.

I sat there, while they called the panels upstairs. Finally, at noon names were read that were released and I was free. I headed back to Central Station and found out what bus to take home.
As I was walking across the street, this moron started rapping at me and saying lewd things.
I later stood by a guy covered in tattoos, including one over his eye. He told me he was going to go ahead and have the rest of his teeth pulled. The bus arrived. Everyone stared at me.
The crowd had certainly changed from the morning commuters. I read my book.

I should have gone the way my friend's husband said to go. I just didn't want to walk 14 city blocks.

I was glad to arrive home. I was even able to pick the girls up from school. I cancelled my
"back-up" to get the girls home.