Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Journey

We have had very cold weather for Phoenix.
Not only freeze warning, but we have had hard frost warnings.
I am concerned about our honeysuckle bushes and a tree.
But, what can you do?
We have lost trees in the past due to cold weather.

We did not walk to school yesterday.
It was 30 degrees with a windchill of 18 and 30 mph winds.
We drove.
Or, should I say Neighbor Meggan drove.
It took several texts back and forth to make the decision to drive.

Miss Brunette was FINE with it.
Absolutely fine.
she is on a field trip outside nearly all day.
Her basketball game was re-scheduled.
I am not sure of the reason,
but it was not because of the weather.
Miss Brunette is going to be sooooo happy that I pick her up from school.
She was to walk home.