Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Great Dust Storm

I did not really think that we were having the dust storm of the century. I heard the wind and the rain. Rain storms are very dramatic here. We really don't have the gentle, soft rains of my youth. I was in bed. It was very dark so I saw nothing. I don't think we got it as bad as other neighborhoods.

But, this morning I was shocked at the state of the patio and pool. Miss B wiped down the
patio furniture. I later did it again. I swept this fine silt from the patio floor and chased it
away with buckets of water. I wash my patio like they do in ole Mexico!

The floor is still a mess and I need to do the entry of the house.

The play yard was pretty much a wreck. I had to clean the furniture out there and wash down my potting bench. I have a lot of palm fronds needing to be picked up. I am making the girls do that tomorrow.

Yes, I do make the girls do work around the house. They do not love to do it, but I don't think it hurts them. They worked for about three hours today, which is unusual. I bought pizza to
thank them. I would still be working if they weren't made to help.

We had a quiet afternoon. Maybe they laid low to avoid being put to work......