Tuesday, May 25, 2010


We got off on the last day of school with some complications.
First of all, around 6ish I was awakened by Neighbor John cutting down a tree.
When the branches crashed on our storage side yard fence, I got up.
Then, the son climbed over our block fence and put a ladder down to help get the branches.
I took a photograph of this on the sly for forensic evidence.
I called Love Man and reported all of the events.
They have some nerve.

I did not say anything because I did not have time to scream at them,
which is what I feel like doing.

So, I had to get Miss B up to walk the dogs in the front.
I knew they would bark and raise a fuss and I did not want any more trouble.
Then, we had to schelp books, Abraham Lincoln costume, backpack and Blonde Girl to LOM Elementary.
Blonde Girl wore her class t-shirt as all of the kids sign them.

I did have time to put rollers in Miss B's hair.
She wore a dress.
She is basically going to have a party all day.

Love Man called back, really mad at the neighbors.
I told him, "I am going to have to talk to you later."

The funny thing is I normally fold clothes on Sunday, do or die.
I thought I would have all this time.
I still have not folded the clothes.
It is next on my list.

And, check out the comments from yesterday's post.