Sunday, June 3, 2012

Don't Mess with the Nest

The crazy parrots that live on the golf course in our neighborhood were in our trees today. I could only get a shot of one. Several tried to buzz my head when I headed out with the camera, you know how I love when birds do that.  If you come to my house, watch out for the yellow parrot. 

I am so glad May is over.  I couldn't take another week of it.  We were so busy with concerts, plays, Confirmation, my end of school year (and all the crazy that comes with that), this tea that I was on the committee for, and the list could continue - but you get the jest.  In fact, the weekend that it all finally wound down, I literally went to bed at 7:45 p.m.

Naturally, it all does not go smoothly.  In addition to all of the fun and games - our pool broke, my car blew a hose (don't worry a nice couple of skin heads all tattooed and pierced up help me push the car while Miss B sort of steered), Blonde Girl started talking about her birthday party and that list could go on and on.

We did have her party on Friday.  We sent out the invites a tad late, but it all worked out.  Everyone seemed to have fun.  They ate a lot!  Honestly, I had to go out for more supplies.  The cupcakes were fab. 

I have a couple of days left of summer school.  And, I am hoping not to be so busy for a while.