Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Summer Grove

We are good.

I spent most of yesterday ironing.

I was a bit behind.

Today, we are going to clean up a bit.

Blonde thing is now in swim team, lessons and life guard discovery.

Miss B is still taking the math class,

which she does not hate.

My friend Amy and the Little Blonde Girl have a room at the Pointe for a week.

Amy is taking a residency class for her doctoral program.

She first told them she didn't need the room as she lives down the street.

Then, she realized it was included in the fee for the class at a huge discounted rate of $55 per night.

She put me up to calling as they told her that block of rooms was full.

She claims she is meek that way. . . . . .

I called and was transferred several times.

I finally ended up with the person in charge of that block and got her the room.

I also said, "we will happily accept any free upgrade."

She got a suite!!!

And, that my friends is how it is done. . . . . . .

I think we are spending the night there on Thursday,
I am not sure.