When they marched by in the parade of athletes,
I yelled "hi girls, hi".
They loved that.
One said, "Please don't take my picture and go away."
I won't say who.
Blonde Girl is on the far right getting ready to swim and retrieve something.
I think it was a life jacket or a brick.
Who knows?
Blonde Girl was thinking, "I am a warrior."
Miss Brunette is wearing the orange life jacket.
Blonde Girl is on the far right in the purple goggles.
They are swimming to a raft.
We could have chanted , "swim sister, swim."
But we didn't.
We don't like to brag.
Once there, they had to get in and paddle back to the other side.
Their team got to the raft before the rest of the teams.
They made it back and won the competition.
We heard, "ugghs" all around.
Those girls spend most of their days swimming and getting onto rafts and noodles.
The other teams were no match for ours.
BG is in the turquoise bottoms, MB is in the back with the orange life jacket.
They really did rock.