Our good friend LOVES dogs.
He loves our dogs and likes visiting them.
I am friends with his mom and his sister is friends with Miss Brunette and Blonde Girl.
We love him.
When he completed high school,
the girls wanted to know when he would leave for college.
I said, "you have to know that he won't be going to college because he is special."
The girls were stunned, "yes, we know he is special,
but we didn't know he was that kind of special."
He loves dogs and currently wants to trade his dog, Elsa,
for Sam and Love Man.
Love Man has since been down-graded.
Now, he wants Sadie and Sam for Elsa.
Poor Love Man.
He has four years left of school to learn life-skills.
I can think of a lot of people who could use some classes in life-skills.
I guess we are all special.