Today is supposed to be 116 degrees.
Now, before you freak out - let me say a few words.
It is very dry here.
There is hardly any humidity.
Sometimes as low as 2 - 4 %.
Yesterday was 106 degrees.
It was fine.
Today, where Love Man works, it is going to be 101.
However, you add humidity and high altitude to that and it is HOT.
People are always telling me how hot Phoenix is.
I never said otherwise.
The dogs wanted out this morning at 5:00.
They normally wake up around 6:15,
almost on the dot.
This morning they wanted out early.
They know.
It was hot at 5:00 when I opened the door for them.
I have come to the conclusion that is it hot in the summer,
no matter where you live.
And, it is cold in the winter,
no matter where you live.