Our electricity went out on Wednesday.
Pop and it was gone.
I called my neighbor, Meggan, and she answered the phone saying,
"do you have electricity?"
She called the company and they told her it would be on by 7:00 p.m.
I later learned that they give you the worst case scenario,
so they don't get yelled at by irate powerless people.
It turns out that our neighbor's line (under ground as we don't have poles and lines in the sky).
They had to run a cable from their house across our driveway and then across neighbor John's yard.
We have a guard 24 hours a day because the cluster of wires is about 50,000 volts.
The guard told me, "it would cremate you."
The guard thing is getting a bit old.
It may be this way for a week or so.
Some of the guards sit in front of our house and others sit by our door.
They don't want anyone touching the cord.
I can drive over it.
One big mess of wires is by the mail box.
I have visions of me tripping and falling into it.
I am lucky that way.