Okay, I did promise to post the riveting photos from the Lifeguard Discovery Olympics.
I will,
I really mean it.
Today, though, we shopped for school clothes.
We hit our regular spots -
TJ Maxx, Ross and the Old Navy.
It was good.
I can report the girls have NEW underwear.
I am sorry.
I just had to put that in.
Let's see if they truly read this blog.
We have shorts, tops, socks, underwear, hair brushes and new hair ties.
Each child still needs to get two more shirts.
I set a limit.
We purchase shoes last!!!
That is an entire day in itself.
Help me!
Here is how we roll in Phoenix,
we do not buy jeans until November.
We buy shorts.
By the time the girls can WEAR the jeans,
they could be in a different size.
They start school wearing shorts and wear them daily until about November.
Then, they move on to jeans and shorts.
That is the rule and we live by it.
I have friends whose children have NEVER worn pants to school.
It is sort of a badge of honor.
Maybe they should start a club?