I have a great, great love of diet cola. In particular, diet coke and diet dr. pepper. My current favorite is diet dr. pepper.
We are trying to drink sun tea sweetened with stevia. Tea bags are much easier. I get tired of schlepping diet soda into the house in the heat. I get tired of buying it in mass quantity. And, I think if I lived on a Greek island - I would sink my little boat trying to get my bags and bags of groceries to my island.
However, I do miss the carbonation. So, every morning Love Man or I will journey to Circle K for a nice fountain drink. Naturally, bringing the refill cups. This morning Love Man's entire 44 ounce drink flew out of my cup holder and onto the mat of the passenger side. Lucky for me I was diet mountain dew, which is LM's favorite. Green is easier to clean than carmel.