We never have bugs in the house. And, frankly the girls freak out over a fly in the house. But,
there was a critter in the house. A scorpion! Love Man got it and put in down the garbage disposal and ground it up. He did. He has never seen one before. The dogs tried to assist, but
he shooed them away. A bite would kill them or a very, small child. It would just cause
excruciating pain if it bit one of our girls.
We have them at preschool in amber for teaching purposes and have even had one in our room when the preschoolers were there. My partner jumped on it. I asked her from across the room, "are you wearing sneakers?". She knew immediately what I was taking about and stomped on it in a flying leap. We were very in tune, Mrs. A. and I. The directors asked "was it dead or alive?" We didn't wait long enough to find out. No preschoolers were injured during this stunt, except for the feelings of one when I told him to play in another spot in the room.
Love Man enjoys leaving the doors open sans screen. So, it probably wondered in. It was in our entry way near the door. We have had beautiful, mild weather.
But, our theory is this. The damn chickens next door are driving the scorpions over here.
I would even go as far to say the snake was working doubly hard on the scorpions and spiders
and was captured by dos chihuahuas. This is the fault of those stupid, stupid chickens.