It looks very simple. But, I wear this cropped cardigan all of the time. And, I must have given it to Good Will. I have looked in every closet. Fortunately I found it online and on clearance.
It needs to arrive, I have places to go. Phoenix air conditioning in stores, restaurants, churches,
schools, etc. is super cold. I carry a cardy or denim jacket with me at all times, especially at night.
Love Man also lost his favorite U of Montana shirt. Hopefully it is accidentally in the dryer.
I still have two baskets of drying left to do. You can not use your washer/dyer and other major
energy using appliances such as dish washers between 9:00 am - 9:00 pm if you want the best electricity rate with APS. It takes some getting used to. The weekends are 24 hours a day. Thank God!
My dryer is also not working very well. It is under our home warranty and I have put in a request for service. I may have died from overuse.