It was Christmas time. Love Man was at the office for the day, even though it was a Saturday.
I think he left his mobile in the car. I had tried to call him and couldn't reach him. I also think his office phone was forwarded. All of a sudden Miss Brunette started yelling "there is a bird in
the Christmas tree," This stupid Arizona finch has come in through an open patio door (we need to stop that) and was sitting in our living room Christmas tree singing. Then, it flew to the
other Christmas tree in the family room. It went back and forth. I wanted to talk to Love Man
and have him come home and help me.
I emailed him. "bird in the house, please advise". He called two seconds later saying, "I guess I will come home." He had tons of things to do at the office.
The bird flew into the girl's bathroom. This time perched on their ceramic mobile which hangs
on the wall. I could hear it clanking. We opened all the doors and made ourselves scarce. It didn't take long for the bird to leave the house.
I emailed LM back and told him "situation averted, stay at work".
This stuff makes Miss Brunette crazy. She does not enjoy it. In fact, she was sort of running
back and forth in the house. It was about 3 or 4 years ago. I think Blonde Girl was not home.
I don't remember her in this scenario.
But, every time something nutty like this happens Love Man is not home, except for the scorpion. Sometimes I think he wonders why these things happen to me. I have given that up,
it just does.