Some of you readers crack me up, wondering who I think I am comparing myself to a rock star.
I didn't say I taught like a rock star. But, let me tell you, to the preschool set I AM A ROCK STAR. Sightings of me at a grocery star nearly sparks riot. Seeing me at Barros is enough for the child to come up and ask me, "Why are you here?" Hard to believe it, but I don't LIVE at the school.
After I have walked Blonde Girl to school, I sometimes run into some of my former Rainbows or Butterflies or Gingerbreads or Jellybeans. They personally think I am waiting by the bus to welcome them to LOM. I am not kidding. Sometimes they try to follow me going the opposite direction. I have to get them pointed in the right direction, I have also had to walk of few of them to their room. It is so confusing. Some are in HORROR of seeing me out in captivity. There is one little girl who nearly dies when she sees me. We got along great in the Rainbow room, but when I run into her out in PUBLIC - well that is a whole other blog.