Last night the girls and I went to see the movie, "Julie and Julia". We loved it! LOVED it. It was great. I had read "Julie and Julia" and it was so true to the book, as so often movies aren't.
The movie is about a secretary in a dead-in-job who decides to cook her way through the
entire "Mastering the Art of French Cooking" by Julia Child. All 524 recipes and she blogs about it.
At the end of the book, there is a section where Julie Powell answers questions and I quote:
How much are you cooking these days? What's the best meal you've had lately?
Of course I don't cook the way I did during the year, but once you get the cooking bug it's hard to stop. I get a little panicky if I'm out of the kitchen too long. Mostly I cook more simply now (because - embarrassing confession - I'm still not quite through losing my Project weight). But I like to let her rip every now and then. Now that the French thing is done, I'm going back to my roots - fried chicken, Mexican food, gumbo. Recently moved into a new apartment with a balcony out back, and I grilled my first beer can chicken of my very own - before, this was purely my parents' realm. Oh God, is it good!
Beer can chicken.