I made my mother get this photo for all of you lovely readers.
My Cousin Sue's husband went with my Dad to Missouri to get this wagon restored. She wrote me yesterday and couldn't wait to see a picture. My mother's friend and insurance agent pulls the wagon with his team of horses in a lot of parades in the area.
Naturally, my mother will be at the Iowa State Fair on Sunday. My dad didn't love the fair, would have been so proud to have the wagon tank there. In fact wild horses would not have kept him away.
Here is some history on the wagon. It was purchased in 1912 when my great grandfather was appointed as an agent for Standard Oil Company. He served the surrounding area dispensing
kerosene and gasoline. A small tank for the wagon was purchased and oil was hauled to surrounding grocery stores that sold kerosene by the gallon. Little gasoline was sold, as at the time there were only 8 autos in a five mile radius in my hometown.
My Dad had the wagon restored in the 1990s. My brother and his two sons are the 4th and 5th
generation to use this antique wagon.
I am thinking my girls are going to have to be in the next parade the wagon is in.