My house really does stink,
first I thought it was the garbage.
I took every last piece out.
I even put some newspapers in the recycling can.
Then, I thought it was the refrigerator.
I did throw out a chicken two days past its expiration date.
Don't tell Love Man,
I rarely waste food,
but forgot at the time that I had meat balls made for the Mother's Day/Birthday feast.
Then, I mopped my floors with Fabuloso.
If you have never purchased Fabuloso,
you must.
It is as they say fabuloso, fabulous!
Really it is.
Then, I lit some candles.
It seems better.
Two days prior to all of this investigation for the offending odors,
I moved all the the furniture in my house and vacuumed behind it.
Seriously, behind my dresser in my bedroom were two dust bunnies the size of a loaf of bread.
They made me jump.
I thought they were alive.
first I thought it was the garbage.
I took every last piece out.
I even put some newspapers in the recycling can.
Then, I thought it was the refrigerator.
I did throw out a chicken two days past its expiration date.
Don't tell Love Man,
I rarely waste food,
but forgot at the time that I had meat balls made for the Mother's Day/Birthday feast.
Then, I mopped my floors with Fabuloso.
If you have never purchased Fabuloso,
you must.
It is as they say fabuloso, fabulous!
Really it is.
Then, I lit some candles.
It seems better.
Two days prior to all of this investigation for the offending odors,
I moved all the the furniture in my house and vacuumed behind it.
Seriously, behind my dresser in my bedroom were two dust bunnies the size of a loaf of bread.
They made me jump.
I thought they were alive.