Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Going to the Dogs

After Miss Brunette and I dropped Blonde Girl at soccer,
we were driving to return non-fitting girl's clothes to Old Navy.
There was this dog in the street.
A guy driving a mustang stopped in the road to help the dog.
The dog was in the middle of a busy, busy street.
Miss Brunette started to cry,
our girls are so sensitive about dog stuff.
I pulled over.
MB got the dog to come up to her.
No tags.
The dog started to walk up a sidewalk to the house.
I followed the dog.
The guy in the mustang pulled over and got out.
The dog stood in front of the house's gate.
It was latched, but open.
Me and this guy (very handsome by the way) opened the gate and the dog went in the yard.
Another good samaritan hovered in their car,
but did not get out.
Yes, we rang the doorbell and no one was home.
I came up with the bright idea of putting the dumpster in front of the gate to secure it.
I rang the front doorbell again and had my hand on the door handle,
the damn door was unlocked.
OMG, I accidentally opened the front door.
I yelled 'hello" because I am not crazy enough.
I went to the car and got some paper.
I swear to God, I wrote the following note:
Your dog was out.
Wanted back in at the gate.
Gate was latched but open,
now secured by dumpster.
Hope this is your dog,
if not - sorry.

The handsome stranger read my note and started laughing hysterically.
He got in his car and waved good-bye.

All I can say is,
I hope the dog lives there.
Can you just imagine????