Sunday, May 31, 2009

Cleaning Out Closets

I have room for my heart for Love Man, but not in my closet.
I don't know what has happened, but I have now taken over our entire closet. Not just my half. And, to further complicate things the nasty burglars messed up my office closet. View photos to see for yourself. There is nothing good in there. Wrapping paper, frame parts, old school projects, flags, games, etc. You know, the run-of-the mill closet junk.

So, now I have to "bucket brigade" everything out. I have already warned the girls that they
will be helping. They are going to be on my "bucket brigade" team. They are delighted.

I first have to clean office closet in order to get my seasonal stuff out of our closet. I have asked several friends if they want to come over and help. "No, they say". I have even offered to regalle them with funny stories. "No." So, I am on my own.

Please note I have viewing the messing up of the closet and the stealing of my planner as a hate crime. I am.

I'm taking anything I haven't worn for 1 1/2 years to Goodwill. Can you say the same for your clothes?