Brinks is here and retro-fitting a new alarm. And, wiring some windows for us. Love Man is also here until Tuesday.
It rained all night. We slept with the windows open. I selected "option" on the dumb alarm and kept the sensor on in case someone walked in our house. Keeps the girls in their rooms! And, the dogs too. They don't like the alarm.
We have set it off three times. One night I set it off around 10:00 and Abby slept under Blonde Girl's bed. She normally wants to be very comfortable with her bed and blanket. Poor thing.
Now they are putting a new alarm on, free to me. And, wiring some windows.
Now they are putting a new alarm on, free to me. And, wiring some windows.
Love Man may put a moat around the house. I'll keep you posted.