the girls and I found the time passed a little more slowly.
We decided to go out to dinner every Wednesday night.
Soccer goes until around 6:15 and there is the 20 minute drive home.
We were tired when we got back to our house.
So we invented the Wednesday night dinners.
We decided to be reasonable with our choices
Places, as my English friend would say, that were cheap and cheerful.
Cheap and cheerful.
One of the best English expressions.
Second only to whingy.
Children act whingy at times.
Then, there is the great expression, minging.
It means disgusting or really dirty.
Your house could be minging and a tip at the same time.
We have a mutual arrangement for the Wednesday night dinners.
We go in order of age as to who gets to pick the venue.
Generally, I pick In 'n Out Burger.
I am a creature of habit.
When our friend, Kent, was in town and wanted to go out to dinner.
Naturally, it was on a Wednesday night.
Blonde Girl always picks Panda Express.
It is Miss Brunette who picks a different place every time.
We have had Mexican, American, and Italian.
You never know what she is going to pick.
She announced yesterday that is was getting warmer.
That only means one thing - Souper Salad!