I went to pick-up Miss Brunette from a slumber party. The mother said to me, "come to the back and see our chickens". Oh God, not another person raising chickens! "That's okay," I said.
"Don't you want to see them? They are really cute." "That's okay, I'm from Iowa. I know chickens," was all I could say.
OMG. Not again.
I have a long history with chickens. When I was 4 or 5, I took my doll Sandy over to visit
Mrs. H across the street (our old house). Her miserable rooster, named Freeman or something
commanding chased and pecked me back home. I left Sandy to fend for herself. Mrs. H called, feeling so bad, and asked me to watch "Another World" with her. We shared a pepsi (yes,
in those days, it was pepsi. I was from a pepsi drinking family).
My grandmother used to raise chickens. I hated it when it was time to butcher them (the word that was used). They did run around with their heads cut off. Grandma hung them upside down by the feet on the clothes line. My mother always helped her. They plucked and plucked. Guess what we had for lunch? Chicken. I would sit on the other side of the house, by the big tractor tire that had been painted white and was full of flowers. Grandma came up to me, "how are you ever going to live on a farm?" "I'm not," I told her.
Okay, I have to admit I didn't really eat that much chicken until after I was married and sort of got over it.
A couple of years ago, the girls and I were at MV nursery. I took them to see the chickens
there. They were there to control the scorpions and had hatched babies. The girls had a great time looking at them, while I was getting a tree. We were leaving and all of a sudden, Blonde Girl started screaming. This insane chicken had flown up to her shoulder and was pecking her. That hen knocked her down twice before I could run over to her. I started screaming and hitting the stupid chicken with my purse. Me, Blonde Girl and Miss Brunette all screamed bloody murder. No one came to help. That is how I got the 25% discount on my tree and all the shrubs I may ever need in my lifetime. I have never gotten the shrubs as Blonde Girl refuses to go there ever again.
there. They were there to control the scorpions and had hatched babies. The girls had a great time looking at them, while I was getting a tree. We were leaving and all of a sudden, Blonde Girl started screaming. This insane chicken had flown up to her shoulder and was pecking her. That hen knocked her down twice before I could run over to her. I started screaming and hitting the stupid chicken with my purse. Me, Blonde Girl and Miss Brunette all screamed bloody murder. No one came to help. That is how I got the 25% discount on my tree and all the shrubs I may ever need in my lifetime. I have never gotten the shrubs as Blonde Girl refuses to go there ever again.
Chicken. It is what's for dinner.