We all got up at 6:00 a.m.
I had showered the night before and washed my hair to save time.
I made sure the girls were dressed.
Beloved Niece and I left for the airport at 6:27,
we intended to leave at 6:15.
The girls wanted to know,
"since we are dressed could we go back to sleep."
"Yes, until 7:00"
I drove Beloved Niece and DROPPED her off at the airport.
She went in by herself and called me once she was past security.
I, by this time, was driving home.
Miss Brunette called,
"She is not listening to me".
I think she sometimes gets a little "power mad".
I told her, "I am almost home"
Miss Brunette phoned again, "She is throwing lemon slices at me".
Another use for those lemons!
I got home,
all was well.
The girls finished eating.
Beloved Niece called to say she was boarding.
Miss Brunette's friend arrived,
she walks with us to school.
We left for school.
As I was leaving LOM Elementary,
Miss Brunette ran after me.
"I forgot my flute!"
I walked home.
As I was walking home,
it dawned on me,
that as I locked the house -
I did not bring the key.
I broke into the back.
All doors were locked.
You will be happy to know if the doors are locked,
you can only get in by breaking a window.
I did not break a window.
Then, I remembered the key that was under one of my front-yard pots.
I was back in the house.
I dropped off the flute.
I went to Circle K for a large diet dr. pepper.
I went to work,
only five minutes late.
Another day.
Work was fine.
One boy told me his dad slept naked.
The others chimed in as to how their dad's sleep.
I told them,
I was sure their parents would be happy they had shared this information and I laughed.
The boys laughed.
I came home.
I am alone in the house for the first time for about two weeks.
I tried to fall asleep on the sofa,
but the phone kept ringing.
Love Man called.
Someone called,
but I could not answer it in time.
Now, I am waiting for the girls to come home from school.