Big news, they are selling Diet Dr. Pepper in the coke machine at work.
I have been asking for it since 1999.
Who drinks regular Mountain Dew?
That is a man's drink.
Only one man works at our school.
And, I happen to know he drinks Diet Dr. Pepper.
Everyone was congratulating me and giving me high-fives.
Okay, we are easily entertained.
But, if you are ever bored at a party,
talk to a teacher.
They are a lot of fun.
Bad news, the pot we have been tirelessly making for the SRP auction must be redone.
Apparently, the MAN at the Home Depot told me wrong.
We have to start all over.
I could have screamed.
This screwed up pot is coming home with me after we grout it.
I am sure the outside elements will knock some of the compound,
that will not come off, away over time.
It looks fine from a distance or in this photo.
However, people bid a lot of money for this stuff.
We are having a special emergency-pot-making-session after school tomorrow.
The auction is Saturday.
I am not sure if I am going.
It won't be as much fun without Love Man.