Miss Brunette missed a group project yesterday.
Now, she has to do it alone.
I am off to get a list of various colors of Play-doh.
She tells me that she made the Principal's List.
Woo Whoo!
Blonde Girl is driving her crazy,
so she is going with me.
I also need to find a Hawaiian themed dress.
Blonde Girl hates to shop.
I am only going as far as Ross.
We are having a big party for my teaching partner's big birthday.
That is why I need a dress.
I don't wear that much print,
certainly not Hawaiian.
Love Man had a procedure on his veins.
He is doing fine.
We are counting the days until he is back in the Valley of the Sun.
The dogs are fine.
My dumb neighbor has chickens,
yes chickens,
in his back yard.
The dogs have gone insane barking at them.
It is a new trend here,
harvest the eggs and kill scorpions.
I will not take part in this trend.
I am surprised he is getting away with it.
Wait until the Homeowner's Association finds out.
Sometimes I feel as if I have never left Iowa.