We have been crazy busy with the girls.
The oldest, aka Miss Brunette, is the photo editor for the yearbook and has gone to almost every event at THS. She is also busy with NCL and preparing for NAU in the fall. She wants to major in education.
The youngest, aka Blonde Girl, has taken high school by storm. She is in marching band, which took 7th place in the Super State Band Competition in their division. She is also in soccer, chorus, concert band, photo club, drama club and was in the play, "The Little Mermaid," In addition, to all of that she is in NCL and completing her last year of confirmation.
Luckily all of BG's activities are not at once.
Love Man is good and continues to like his job. He is an avid hiker and yesterday hiked 9 1/2 miles.
I am the same and trying to keep up with my job, NCL, the family and house.
We have added no new pets. We still have the three dogs and the cat.