Sunday, April 28, 2013

Wrong Side of the Church

We usually sit on the gospel side of the church.  When I say "we", I mean me and my friend Mrs. Right.  She was on the epistle side and send me a text wondering why I was where I was.  I moved after communion.  Yes, I did, I moved and she scootched people over.  Scootched them.  That was a couple of weeks ago.

Today, when I was handed the blood/wine, I dropped it and my wafer went flying.  She and her husband, just about died laughing.  I went to the restroom for a wet paper towel.  Then, I went back to my seat.  I decided I would get in line again.  I told Mrs. Right, "what are they going to say, that I was over-served."  I don't think so.