Monday, April 29, 2013

Stage Mother

That ship has sailed.
I noticed upon review, that when I was talking about Miss Brunette's summer job - I referred to it as "we got the job" at the pool.  I sort of feel that way.  We have driven her to lessons, swim team and synchronized swim.  Not too mention the meets.  We have also driven her to swim tests, cashier's test,life guard class, star swimming instructor class, etc.  I am sure I could think of more - but this is a limited blog.

We, in many ways, got the job.  We will be driving her to several training classes and an orientation.

We also think it is worth it.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Wrong Side of the Church

We usually sit on the gospel side of the church.  When I say "we", I mean me and my friend Mrs. Right.  She was on the epistle side and send me a text wondering why I was where I was.  I moved after communion.  Yes, I did, I moved and she scootched people over.  Scootched them.  That was a couple of weeks ago.

Today, when I was handed the blood/wine, I dropped it and my wafer went flying.  She and her husband, just about died laughing.  I went to the restroom for a wet paper towel.  Then, I went back to my seat.  I decided I would get in line again.  I told Mrs. Right, "what are they going to say, that I was over-served."  I don't think so.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Ta Da!

We went to a tea yesterday afternoon, it was good.  We dressed up and wished we had hats.
Another time.

The girls are good.  Busy.  We keep trying to be prepared as possible for April and May Mania.
The school year is winding down.

Back to tea,  I don't want a hat - I want a fascinator.  I long for a fascinator.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Girl Talk

I have a lot of girl news.

For the last two nights, we have been watching the Junior High's performance of "Bye, Bye Birdie".  It is really cute.  Our Blonde Girl is great in the play.  You ought to see her sing and dance.  She is very animated. 

Miss Brunette has a job this summer at a SSI swimming teacher.  You all remember that she is a certified life guard and got her swimming teacher certificate a month or so ago.  Wednesday was the draft and each pool director got two picks.  We don't know if she was a top pick, but we got a job at the pool we have spent every summer going to and from.  It is fairly close to our house and we are all super happy about it.

She also started driver's education today.  Another milestone!

We are happy about it all!