Friday, January 4, 2013

In Training

Love Man is presently at the doctor.  He came home last night barely able to speak and before I could protest, he said "I have a doctor's appointment at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."  He is also scheduled to jump in this ice cold lake or pool for the "Polar Plunge" tomorrow.  I said, "you are not doing that."
"You have been sick.  You just get better and go for a hike.  It was cold that day.  I have two words for you LONG PANTS."  That man wears shorts for all occasions, except for work.  He does not dress for winter here, which for him would be a sweater or long pants and perhaps a coat.  And, oh does he get chilled.
And, it has been cold.  We even turned our heater on.  Something we usually don't do until mid-January.  It is running as I write this.  We had to cover our plants and newer trees because they have on the news what is called "freeze warnings".  Yes, Iowans, freeze warnings are broadcast on the news. That ought to give you something to laugh about every morning until April.
Well, after Love Man's first hike - he was a little sicker.  Then, he took a second hike wearing jeans and that wore him out.  Now, he is waiting at the doctor's office..........

He wanted me to wake up the girls to get them ready for the dreaded, not talked about event on Monday.  "Why?"  They can go to bed early on Sunday night and it will be okay.  They have been sleeping until about 10:00 every morning.  A friend of mine has two teenagers and about a year about inherited two more - she reports all four of them sleep until about noon.  I used to sleep that late........
He wants them to be ready.  We will cope on Monday.  But, not until Monday.