Saturday, December 10, 2011

Nothing but an Elf

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted. I have been running around like a maniac. All is well with us. The girls have had concerts and soccer games - blah, blah, blah.

I have been working the Christmas class at our preschool. It is fun, but chaotic. There is this little boy and evidently he is an elf.

"I am an elf. I don't sleep at night. I go to the north pole every night and make toys."

"Oh, really," was my reply. "I once had a boy who was a dinosaur for the entire schoool year."

"Well, I am a real elf."

"Okay, that's cool." Whatever.

"Don't tell my mom. She gets so mad and sometimes starts screaming."


I can't tell you what his name is, but it is an elfy name. LOL.