While I enjoyed Thursday's episode of the Dick Van Dyke show on Friday. I am not going to talk about Rob and Laura today. Although, sadly, they are always on my mind.
Miss Brunette went babysitting and did not get home until 12:30. She was supposed to be home at 10:30 and I decided to snooze around 9:30. I was tired, could not focus to read and the TV
had nothing on it. I do not have a DVR in my bedroom. The horror!
At midnight Blonde Girl was looking out the window and she came in my room, "Mom, MB
(although she calls her by her given name) is not home yet." I texted her and she was fine. Eventually, Miss B got home and immediately went to bed. She had a long day.
This morning I got a text from the mom apologizing for keeping her out so late. They lost track of time. Miss B was given extra money at the couple did not stick to there eta. I made fifty cents an hour and MB gets $8 - $12 an hour depending on who is paying.