Monday, August 8, 2011

Weekend Update

Here is what we have been up to.

On Thursday, after examining Blonde Girl's foot. I had to take her to the pediatrician.

Those days of the office faxing paperwork for an x-ray are over. We went, she needed an x-ray and we headed over to the place. We got her x-ray.

By this time, I had gotten a lesson from my friend, the Chief, on broken bones 101. She texted me the name of an orthopedic doctor and I made the appointment while Blonde Thing was getting her snap shots.

But, let me back up. That morning I went to my doctor for an ear infection. I seem to be getting
them now that my nose works so well, after having my deviated septum and turbinates reduced.

I also realized that my doctor is in the same building as the lab and that Miss Brunette needed to have that done before her endocrinologist appointment the following week. Much to her chagrin,
we did that after the doctor.

I got a prescription for my ear.

While, we were walking back to the room, the pediatrician's office called and set up the appointment for Blonde Girl.

We were home briefly and then headed off to the pediatrician and imaging office. By the time
we got home everyone was exhausted. I realized I needed my prescription, barely had gas,
needed to pick up my "on hold" books at the library, etc. I went off to run some errands.

I was kind of peaceful.

Friday, we all schelped to the bone and joint place. You know the rest of the story. We had
a purchase a boot shoe for her to wear. By the way, she is totally wearing it as makes her foot feel better.

Saturday, Love Man had to go to Nevada as his mother had a very bad week and is now living
in the Memory Care section. He literally drove up, helped his brother and drove back home.
He enjoys his Sundays by the pool.

Miss Brunette woke up sick with a sore throat on Sunday. Maybe you all don't know this, but she
is never sick. Last time she missed a day of school was in 4th or 5th grade. She had a fever. I gave her acetaminophen. She slept and woke up so weak with a temperature of 102. I decided to take her to urgent care because I didn't think we should wait until Monday.

Strep throat. I was not that surprised. We dropped the prescription off and Love Man
later went and picked it up.

Today, I took Cooper to the vet and somehow all of his shots have gotten messed up. The fact
that she Hope and then he was Cooper did not help. Basically, I had to pay for some more shots.
We had purchased a package and we believed it was all going to be taken care of.

Now, let's figure all of this out for a moment. I have been to three doctors, one lab, one x-ray place, one urgent care, one vet, a shoe boot and twice to the pharmacy. Holy guacamole.