I ordered and paid for a phone on ebay for Blonde Girl. It was a deal and was supposed to be here by now. But, it has not arrived. I emailed the person who sold the phone and have gotten no response. So, today I called the conflict resolution center of Bill Me Later, a form of Pay Pal for you non-ebayers out there.
I love ebay. It is very nearly my favorite place to shop. And, the reason is you can get exactly what you want - you just have to know what it exactly is. When I spoke with the representative over the phone, I had to answer some questions so he knew who I was.
My name, address and telephone number were the easy questions. Then, he wanted to know the last five numbers of my pay pal account. That was difficult as I shred everything and just as I was looking it up on pay pal account, my computer went dead. I think there was server trouble because Love Man's lap top did the same. I was able to get that for him after fiddling with my computer for a bit.
Then he said, "what was your last purchase?"
"Ummm, this is embarrassing." Pause. "It was a rectangular, green brush for celery."
He laughed.
Omg, let's just scream "I am a freak".
Here is the deal. Many years ago my mother bought me the carrot, mushroom, potato and corn brushes. They were sold out of the celery ones. Well, these brushes are FABULOUS. Friends
that use them wonder where I got them. I have always wanted a celery brush. So, one day I was using the carrot brush and I thought, "I can get this on ebay. I just have to be able to describe it as a rectangular green celery brush." Voila. Soon it will be mine. But, look at the
picture. Evidently there is also an asparagus brush.