Miss Brunette was babysitting a couple of nights ago for a new family.
They have a 15 month old boy.
She got the job based on a recommendation from someone we know in then neighborhood.
She wasn't there but twenty minutes when my cell phone rang.
"Mom, I took Johnny outside to play and we are locked out."
Oh God.
She was a little concerned.
I told her to calmly call the mom,
immediately before she got to far down the road,
and tell her Johnny is fine,
but they were locked out.
Miss B was concerned they would never have her to babysit again.
Evidently this has happened for the last two days.
The mom was still in the hood and drove back to the house to let her in.
It was a good thing she had her cell phone in her pocket.
She would have had to yell forever for help.
The citizens of Phoenix are sitting in their air conditioned houses.
Hopefully they called a locksmith and fixed the problem.