Love Man got a new job in Scottsdale.
So, he has a new drive to get used to.
The first day it took him 4o minutes to get to work and 40 minutes to get home.
"Which way did you go?"
Now, I have to say that I feel
that I know the most efficient way to get from Point A to Point B.
Maybe, I am annoying that way.
Maybe. . . .
He told me his route.
"I would never go that way, I would go this way"
And, I told him in exact specifics how I would go.
He did not agree.
The second day on the way home,
we went my way and shaved 10 -15 minutes off his time.
"Why are you home so early?"
"Oh, I just am."
He did not want to tell me.
And, I didn't guess.
Then it slowly dawned on me,
"I may have come home the way you suggested."
"Oh, really, was it faster and easier?"
Evidently, it was.