Saturday, April 30, 2011

This Just In

I can report that the play at MSJH is a hit.
They are doing "Willy Wonka Junior."
Miss B is great!
She is an oompaloompa and it the tallest one,
but that is not stopping her.

The guys are here working on our roof.
They are behind due to the winds.
They left tons of tools up on the roof yesterday and they rolled around in the middle of the night.
It scared me to death.

Getting a new tile roof is quite a process.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Desert Blooms

Yesterday, I felt that the roofers were a tad messy. And, large tiles were flying off our roof and crashing to the ground. I told Blonde Girl not to go outside when she finished her homework.
But, God Love them. they got out a blower and completely cleaned up. Including their gum wrappers. I love them.

The dogs are not enjoying this experience.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Lid

At long last, the roofers have arrived. They descended upon us on Tuesday morning.
This is how they left it tonight. They have all of the junk cleared off. I think our house looks a bit sad.

This is how they got the tiles off the roof. We saved about a hundred for other uses.
They were in pretty bad shape.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I May be in Trouble

Licensing came through our school today.
I was set up for "How Does Your Garden Grow".
Evidently the aloe vera plant is poisonous if eaten.
We were going to plant succulents.
To make a long story short,
it was taken away. . . . . .
It is now at home on my patio.
If you come to my house,
don't eat the aloe vera.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Still Not Invited

This has been a good week,
Blonde Girl has had field events on and off all week.
Today is the big day and I am not there.
She never said a word to me about it.
Miss Brunette has been late at school every day as the play is next week.
The year is winding down.
If only the projects would stop.

Monday, April 18, 2011

This Just In

Blonde Girl does not want me to attend Field Week.

She is running in the one mile run today.

And, does not want me to come.

Evidently I would embarrass her and yell "go Blonde Girl."

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Forget Me Not

It has been such an insane week with play practice cranking up. Luckily, Love Man can pick up a child at soccer, which helps me a lot. I forgot to tell you all, I won at bunco the only night. Err, mean drunco. I have lived of the proceeds for a week!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Horses in Progress

They don't look like much now,

were eventually turned into

fabulous horses.

In fact, I stayed late one day

helping to get their manes, ears and

reins on.

The horses went home and I have

been told that some of the poor,

little guys are a little raggedy.

Some of their names were Macaroni.

Lightning, Daisy, Jim and Lily.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

About a Girl

We have been busy. Love Man and I spent the weekend watching the Swedish films of the Millennium Trilogy. They were so good. A bit intense at times and not to be watched if children are in the room or awake. You must rent "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" and watch all three in sequential order.

Friday, April 8, 2011

School Daze

I only have six weeks of school left.

The girls get out about a week later.

I think I am going to teach the summer enrichment.

I have to let them know next week.

We have tons of things to do before school is out.

We keep them busy,

it is our best defense.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

El Patio

We are enjoying the wonderful weather. It is so gorgeous in the evening. We are eating dinner out on our patio most nights. I hope it is nice at your house.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Girl Gardeners

The girls have been dabbling in gardening. They planted beans, carrots and flower seeds in every empty pot that I own.

Then, they wanted to grow peppers.

So, we got a plant. We also got a strawberry plant which now has

strawberries that they worry about.

Lastly, we had to get a patio tomato.

It is already doing great.

I thought we were done, but we

planted chives last weekend and

we plan to grow grass in pretty bowls just in time for Easter.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ode to the Man

Love Man got a new job in Scottsdale.

So, he has a new drive to get used to.

The first day it took him 4o minutes to get to work and 40 minutes to get home.

"Which way did you go?"

Now, I have to say that I feel

that I know the most efficient way to get from Point A to Point B.

Maybe, I am annoying that way.

Maybe. . . .

He told me his route.

"I would never go that way, I would go this way"

And, I told him in exact specifics how I would go.

He did not agree.

The second day on the way home,

we went my way and shaved 10 -15 minutes off his time.

"Why are you home so early?"

"Oh, I just am."

He did not want to tell me.

And, I didn't guess.

Then it slowly dawned on me,

"I may have come home the way you suggested."

"Oh, really, was it faster and easier?"

Evidently, it was.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Weekend Update

We have spent the last few weekends trying to get our yard in shape.
We had a lot of damage from the freezing weather. It is slowly coming back and we did not lose much, just a couple of bushes. These petunias came up from last year's bunch. I did not know that petunias were perennials.