We had our usual weekend of stuff.
I drove Blonde Girl to soccer and her friend Molly came home with us to spend the night.
Friday night, we drove around and looked at the Christmas lights in our neighborhood.
We then had hot chocolate.
The next day, I served the girls homemade waffles.
Have I mentioned my very old waffle maker is on its way out?
I think the plug looks pretty rickety.
Love Man drove Molly and Blonde Girl to their soccer game.
I stayed home to run some errands and get us ready to go to Payson.
We went to Payson for the Electric Light Parade.
In fact, we marched in the hospital kazoo and bedpan band.
But, before that, the girls and I saw "Tangled".
We had a couple of hours to kill before the parade.
"Tangled" was really good.
Yesterday, I finished putting the ornaments on our tree and Love Man put up the lights.
I also wrapped some presents and finished the laundry.
This morning, I have already been to the orthodontist with Miss Brunette and am
getting ready to go to work for the Santa's Workshop.
TTYL, I need to finish some things before I go to school.