I got up at 5:50 a.m. to get things organized for our day.
I put away the clothes I folded the night before.
Even the girls,
just to be nice.
I made lunches, snacks and filled the girl's water bottles.
I woke up the girls at 6:45 a.m.
I drove to Safeway to get strawberries and salad olives.
Don't ask.
I took at shower at 7:00 a.m.
Once out of the shower,
Blonde Girl realized that she could not find her drum sticks and asked me for help.
This is despite me telling her the night before to make sure she had all of her drum stuff.
After an exhaustive search,
they were found in the spot I suggested.
Miss Brunette was driven to school for an early volleyball tryout/practice.
I combed my hair to finish preparing to walk to school.
Unfortunately for me,
I left my conditioner in my hair.
I rinsed out my conditioner.
Neighbor Meggan,
after not meeting us at the corner,
came to our house.
I told her of my issue and recommended that they forge on to school without us.
I combed my hair again.
It was still full of conditioner.
I told Love Man,
who was taking a vacation day,
to hose me off in the sink.
He did.
He found the whole unfortunate event very funny.
He also drove Blonde Girl to school.
He said, "it was a good thing I was here."
I agreed.