The girls are going on a month of being in school.
My enrichment class "Princesspalooza" starts next week.
I am not ready,
but will be.
Here is what BG said to me this weekend:
"Mom, will you show me how to make a margarita."
"Ummm, why do you need to know?"
"I want to be able to make them when the bunco ladies come over."
That's right folks, I host bunco in September.
I don't think Blonde Girl will be mixing the cocktails.
It is probably illegal.
It is definitely sick and wrong.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Back From Nothing
We did not do much this weekend.
I know.
It really is kind of nice.
We enjoyed watching the Emmy Awards.
We are huge fans of "Modern Family".
I know.
It really is kind of nice.
We enjoyed watching the Emmy Awards.
We are huge fans of "Modern Family".
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Nightmare on Our Street
Bad enough to wake me up,
because she was afraid to sleep alone.
She usually crawls in bed with her sister.
It must have been bad.
She practically slept on top of me or held my hand.
When I got up,
she wanted to know,
"are you okay, Mom."
"What was your dream about?"
"I don't want to talk about it."
When Miss Brunette had a similiar thing happen,
she told me all about it.
I couldn't sleep. . . . .
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Mutiny in the Desert

Parents of Love Man's good friends brought us a bunch of A & E dip from Iowa.
A lot of dip.
It was heaven.
They only brought my faves,
Party and Chive.
Oh, and Cookies BBQ sauce,
but I don't care that much about that.
I have gotten over Cookies.
I have NOT gotten over A & E dip.
In fact,
it proves to be genetic.
Our girls are in a big fight over who consumed the last of the dip.
One girl is very upset.
The other ones blames her sister.
I am keeping quiet about the matter.
It is good dip.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Back To School
Yesterday, was open house at my school.
Today, we have 1/2 of our class with us.
We are not all together until August 31.
I say "let's get on with it.
Let the show begin."
Today, we have 1/2 of our class with us.
We are not all together until August 31.
I say "let's get on with it.
Let the show begin."
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
A Pink Letter Day
Dear Readers,
I am sorry I used the word boobie in my last post.
It will never happen again.
You can order another breast cancer awareness shirt.
It says "Save the Ta Tas".
You can also google it under "Ta Ta Shirt."
Some of the girls in my drunco group have this shirt.
They wear them with gusto.
I am sorry I used the word boobie in my last post.
It will never happen again.
You can order another breast cancer awareness shirt.
It says "Save the Ta Tas".
You can also google it under "Ta Ta Shirt."
Some of the girls in my drunco group have this shirt.
They wear them with gusto.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Boobie Trap

That is right sister!
I said boobie trap.
Kids are getting in trouble at school for wearing these breast cancer bracelets.
Can you imagine wearing one of these to school??
To school!
My friend, Amy, busted someone on Friday for wearing this bracelet.
She teaches at a private, Catholic school.
Wearing a bracelet with the word boobies on it is frowned upon.
The student in trouble tried to debate breast cancer awareness with her.
She would not budge.
Miss Brunette reports that they are NOT allowed at MSJH.
"I LOVE BOOBIES" and "KEEP A BREAST" sends a clear message about breast cancer.
One year, I had a little cute preschooler guy who wore a shirt that said,
He also had one that said,
And, my fave . . . .
He would probably wear this bracelet with aplomb.
We were at the Diamondbacks game the other night.
The lady sitting next to me had one on.
Tilly's, $5, if you are interested - because you know I talked to her!
They are also available online.
I would suggest you google "Boobie bracelet".
That is what I did.
Her son got in trouble at school for his bracelet.
Well, my goodness, you would get in trouble.
Please, let me know if there is one for Prostate Cancer.
That is all I am saying. . . . . .
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Fairy Tales Do Come True
Dear Mrs. Love Man -
Now that is it your birthday,
you need to relax.
Put your feet up and enjoy the lovely meal and cake prepared lovingly by your children and husband.
You deserve it.
They could not wait to make your special day more meaningful to you.
The Birthday Fairy
(Soon expanding to the Celebration of Mother's Day)
Now that is it your birthday,
you need to relax.
Put your feet up and enjoy the lovely meal and cake prepared lovingly by your children and husband.
You deserve it.
They could not wait to make your special day more meaningful to you.
The Birthday Fairy
(Soon expanding to the Celebration of Mother's Day)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Tough Enough

Okay, first of all, this is not Love Man.
This weekend is the Payson Rodeo.
Love Man had to get one of these "Tough Enough to Wear Pink" shirts.
Totally reimbursable and apparently very popular.
They are sold out completely in Phoenix.
But, he found one in Payson.
Love Man is tough enough to wear pink.
He used to wear it more,
but now that he works in Payson,
he wears it less.
Maybe he will be inspired and be tough enough to wear pink in Payson.
the pink will be Gap or Polo.
Some things never change.
The sad thing is that this Wrangler shirt was made in Bangladesh.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Have Mercy
I have been making my home visits for preschool.
I did 5.
I also got fingerprinted.
I think I have to do that every 3 years.
Who knows?
I also took and picked up two girls from school,
returned something at TJ Maxx,
supervised homework,
picked up Love Man's contacts,
put pasta sauce on the stove to simmer,
bought some groceries
and took Blonde Girl to the doctor for a vaccination.
I did 5.
I also got fingerprinted.
I think I have to do that every 3 years.
Who knows?
I also took and picked up two girls from school,
returned something at TJ Maxx,
supervised homework,
picked up Love Man's contacts,
put pasta sauce on the stove to simmer,
bought some groceries
and took Blonde Girl to the doctor for a vaccination.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Evening Constitutional
It rained last night,
which is always nice.
We have been walking a lot at night.
The girls go along,
but usually ride their cruisers.
Good times.
which is always nice.
We have been walking a lot at night.
The girls go along,
but usually ride their cruisers.
Good times.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The Story of My Day
I got up at 5:50 a.m. to get things organized for our day.
I put away the clothes I folded the night before.
Even the girls,
just to be nice.
I made lunches, snacks and filled the girl's water bottles.
I woke up the girls at 6:45 a.m.
I drove to Safeway to get strawberries and salad olives.
Don't ask.
I took at shower at 7:00 a.m.
Once out of the shower,
Blonde Girl realized that she could not find her drum sticks and asked me for help.
This is despite me telling her the night before to make sure she had all of her drum stuff.
After an exhaustive search,
they were found in the spot I suggested.
Miss Brunette was driven to school for an early volleyball tryout/practice.
I combed my hair to finish preparing to walk to school.
Unfortunately for me,
I left my conditioner in my hair.
I rinsed out my conditioner.
Neighbor Meggan,
after not meeting us at the corner,
came to our house.
I told her of my issue and recommended that they forge on to school without us.
I combed my hair again.
It was still full of conditioner.
I told Love Man,
who was taking a vacation day,
to hose me off in the sink.
He did.
He found the whole unfortunate event very funny.
He also drove Blonde Girl to school.
He said, "it was a good thing I was here."
I agreed.
I put away the clothes I folded the night before.
Even the girls,
just to be nice.
I made lunches, snacks and filled the girl's water bottles.
I woke up the girls at 6:45 a.m.
I drove to Safeway to get strawberries and salad olives.
Don't ask.
I took at shower at 7:00 a.m.
Once out of the shower,
Blonde Girl realized that she could not find her drum sticks and asked me for help.
This is despite me telling her the night before to make sure she had all of her drum stuff.
After an exhaustive search,
they were found in the spot I suggested.
Miss Brunette was driven to school for an early volleyball tryout/practice.
I combed my hair to finish preparing to walk to school.
Unfortunately for me,
I left my conditioner in my hair.
I rinsed out my conditioner.
Neighbor Meggan,
after not meeting us at the corner,
came to our house.
I told her of my issue and recommended that they forge on to school without us.
I combed my hair again.
It was still full of conditioner.
I told Love Man,
who was taking a vacation day,
to hose me off in the sink.
He did.
He found the whole unfortunate event very funny.
He also drove Blonde Girl to school.
He said, "it was a good thing I was here."
I agreed.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Timely Matters

My sister would get up early every morning to catch the 7:30 re-run.
I was not as good.
It has only been in recent years that I can wake up early.
Now, I am up by 6:00
This summer a friend called me at 6:45 a.m.
She said, "I knew you'd be up . . . . . "
Love Man was gone.
The girls were in bed sleeping.
I talked to her while I did housework.
It was fun!
I still have friends that you DO NOT call before 8:00 or even 9:00 a.m.
They get totally crabby if you wake them up.
I've done it!!!!!
I got the old "I was asleep and don't wake up until 8."
lesson learned.
My sister wakes me up,
calling me around 5:00 a.m.,
while driving to work.
It is not a deal breaker.
don't call me after 9:00 at night.
I am probably asleep.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
This and That
We are fine.
The girls are fine.
Love Man is fine.
We all seemed a bit tired yesterday.
because of that we just hung out.
Blonde Girl ran some errands with Love Man.
I cleaned up the house,
Miss Brunette sewed up dog toys.
that is what I said.
The girls are fine.
Love Man is fine.
We all seemed a bit tired yesterday.
because of that we just hung out.
Blonde Girl ran some errands with Love Man.
I cleaned up the house,
Miss Brunette sewed up dog toys.
that is what I said.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
We made it through the first week of school.
They both seem to be okay with it all and liking their teachers.
Blonde Girl wore skinny jeans THREE days this week.
Good Lord,
I do not attempt to wear jeans until November.
Not ever,
maybe for camping.
She thought that she would wear shorts next week.
I can only hope.
They both seem to be okay with it all and liking their teachers.
Blonde Girl wore skinny jeans THREE days this week.
Good Lord,
I do not attempt to wear jeans until November.
Not ever,
maybe for camping.
She thought that she would wear shorts next week.
I can only hope.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Get Ready, Get Set

I went to drunco, I mean bunco the other night.
I learned two things.
The first is that I can totally overeat.
I ate so much.
And, I don't even want to talk about the chocolate consumption.
The second thing I learned is that I have bunco next month.
I thought a successful trade had been made switching September for November.
Evidently not.
Boy, was I surprised.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
And, They are Off
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Wet Read
It poured last night.
It started around 4:00 a.m.,
the thunder woke me up.
It rained for a good hour.
Our newspaper is soaked beyond readability.
I said to Love Man, "Do you want me to call?
They will send out a new one."
We never do this.
I think we did this one time when the same thing happened.
In the past,
you could call and report a problem.
The delivery person would bring another one to your house.
Not anymore.
They no longer have Saturday hours.
I got a credit via computer for today's paper.
I then,
phoned their number,
thinking I was doing it wrong.
Same response.
So there you have it.
It started around 4:00 a.m.,
the thunder woke me up.
It rained for a good hour.
Our newspaper is soaked beyond readability.
I said to Love Man, "Do you want me to call?
They will send out a new one."
We never do this.
I think we did this one time when the same thing happened.
In the past,
you could call and report a problem.
The delivery person would bring another one to your house.
Not anymore.
They no longer have Saturday hours.
I got a credit via computer for today's paper.
I then,
phoned their number,
thinking I was doing it wrong.
Same response.
So there you have it.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Marking Time
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Facebook Status
I've already mentioned that I hate Facebook.
I don't want to hear all the stupid stuff people who I have not seen in twenty years aredoing.
Making coffee.
Eating muffins.
Enjoying the beautiful morning.
If I have not heard from you in twenty years,
I don't want to hear about your muffins.
Sorry Betty White!
I don't.
Love Man is on facebook.
Ironically, he is friends with my mother and our children.
He recently changed his status from married to "in a relationship, but it's complicated."
He has received so much email and comments on his account.
Blonde Girl feared we were getting a divorce,
as if that is how we would tell her.
Neighbor Meggan didn't want to ask.
Love Man has since changed his status to "married."
I don't want to hear all the stupid stuff people who I have not seen in twenty years aredoing.
Making coffee.
Eating muffins.
Enjoying the beautiful morning.
If I have not heard from you in twenty years,
I don't want to hear about your muffins.
Sorry Betty White!
I don't.
Love Man is on facebook.
Ironically, he is friends with my mother and our children.
He recently changed his status from married to "in a relationship, but it's complicated."
He has received so much email and comments on his account.
Blonde Girl feared we were getting a divorce,
as if that is how we would tell her.
Neighbor Meggan didn't want to ask.
Love Man has since changed his status to "married."
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The Rest of the Story
On Sunday, Love Man and I decided to go for a walk.
It had rained the night before and was 80 some degrees.
Rare for this time of year.
Blonde Girl was singing with her microphone/computer.
She was not going.
Miss Brunette thought she would ride her bike along with us.
I said to Love Man, "let's just ride our bikes."
If you remember,
we all have beach cruisers.
Mine is pink.
Miss Brunette's is minty green.
Blonde Girl's is purple.
Love Man's is black with flames.
I chose black for Love Man as it would make him look thin.
Ever since the addition of the third dog,
I personally do not ride my bike as much.
We try to walk the dogs as much as possible.
They walk with us to take Blonde Girl to school.
The dogs love to walk and have missed it over the summer.
Twice LM and I went without them because it was too hot.
Both times the girls called requesting us to come home,
"Sadie, Sam and Abby are all crying."
They are babies.
Love Man said, "well, we won't be able to take the dogs."
"Oh, we can" was my reply.
I tied Abby into my bike basket.
Sam was tied into Miss Brunette's bike basket.
Sadie was put on a leash and Love Man was to ride with her running.
She has A LOT of energy.
it didn't go very well at first.
Love Man got impatient and headed for the park and he needed to practice a bit with Sadie.
I rode by the park with Miss B following me.
He yelled my name.
I turned around and headed to the park.
Sam decided to go after a big bulldog,
because he thinks is the biggest dog out there.
He jumped out of the basket and was hanging there by his harness.
Miss B screamed, a little.
He was fine.
I tied him in tighter so he couldn't move.
He was not hurt,
this is why they all have harnesses.
We started riding again and it went great.
I heard Sadie yelp.
She ran in front of Love Man's bike and got clipped.
I'll bet she doesn't do that again.
We finished our ride and rode home.
Sadie was exhausted.
We untied the chihuahuas and Miss B took them into the house.
Blonde Girl was still singing.
Love Man and I rode the MV Loop,
which is a four mile ride.
When we got home,
BG was blasting out the tunes.
It had rained the night before and was 80 some degrees.
Rare for this time of year.
Blonde Girl was singing with her microphone/computer.
She was not going.
Miss Brunette thought she would ride her bike along with us.
I said to Love Man, "let's just ride our bikes."
If you remember,
we all have beach cruisers.
Mine is pink.
Miss Brunette's is minty green.
Blonde Girl's is purple.
Love Man's is black with flames.
I chose black for Love Man as it would make him look thin.
Ever since the addition of the third dog,
I personally do not ride my bike as much.
We try to walk the dogs as much as possible.
They walk with us to take Blonde Girl to school.
The dogs love to walk and have missed it over the summer.
Twice LM and I went without them because it was too hot.
Both times the girls called requesting us to come home,
"Sadie, Sam and Abby are all crying."
They are babies.
Love Man said, "well, we won't be able to take the dogs."
"Oh, we can" was my reply.
I tied Abby into my bike basket.
Sam was tied into Miss Brunette's bike basket.
Sadie was put on a leash and Love Man was to ride with her running.
She has A LOT of energy.
it didn't go very well at first.
Love Man got impatient and headed for the park and he needed to practice a bit with Sadie.
I rode by the park with Miss B following me.
He yelled my name.
I turned around and headed to the park.
Sam decided to go after a big bulldog,
because he thinks is the biggest dog out there.
He jumped out of the basket and was hanging there by his harness.
Miss B screamed, a little.
He was fine.
I tied him in tighter so he couldn't move.
He was not hurt,
this is why they all have harnesses.
We started riding again and it went great.
I heard Sadie yelp.
She ran in front of Love Man's bike and got clipped.
I'll bet she doesn't do that again.
We finished our ride and rode home.
Sadie was exhausted.
We untied the chihuahuas and Miss B took them into the house.
Blonde Girl was still singing.
Love Man and I rode the MV Loop,
which is a four mile ride.
When we got home,
BG was blasting out the tunes.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Oh and Yeah
Here are some other funny things that happened over the weekend.
When I wasn't out buying beer can chicken things,
we had my friend Amy's daughter (you remember her, the girl with the pink hair)
spending the night.
The same evening we entertained the neighbors.
Neighbor Meggan and husband, their two children.
Well, Sarah who is turning four, and brother, Kevin, decided they wanted to spend the night.
Long story short -
we had five children sleeping in our house.
I made them waffles.
It was Sarah's birthday that morning,
so we put a candle in it and sang "Happy Birthday".
After breakfast,
she called her mother and yelled into the phone,
"bring my swimming suit."
That was the first story.
I will tell you the second one tomorrow.
When I wasn't out buying beer can chicken things,
we had my friend Amy's daughter (you remember her, the girl with the pink hair)
spending the night.
The same evening we entertained the neighbors.
Neighbor Meggan and husband, their two children.
Well, Sarah who is turning four, and brother, Kevin, decided they wanted to spend the night.
Long story short -
we had five children sleeping in our house.
I made them waffles.
It was Sarah's birthday that morning,
so we put a candle in it and sang "Happy Birthday".
After breakfast,
she called her mother and yelled into the phone,
"bring my swimming suit."
That was the first story.
I will tell you the second one tomorrow.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Just the Thing

Fresh & Easy has these beer can chicken holders on sale for $1.25.
Yes, a $1.25.
Two weeks ago,
we had Love Man's high school/college friend visiting from Montana.
We served beer can chicken.
The next day we bought two of these holders.
One for his friend.
One for a Christmas gift,
act surprised!
Last weekend,
we entertained our neighbors and served beer can chicken and those yummy oven roasted potatoes.
If you haven't made them yet,
you should.
We bought three more holders.
One for the neighbors.
One for college friend's father.
One for the sister of the college friend.
We visited the father over the weekend giving one to him/wife and the other to the sister.
The father basically told the sister (who also visited) that he needed the two.
The sister went to the F & E in her neighborhood and they did not have them.
Love Man got a call from the father saying,
"hey, buy three more of those things."
So I did.
There are now THREE more left in the store.
If you want one,
let me know.
the fine folks at F & E are wondering what I am doing.
That is what I get for being so friendly with everyone.
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