Here the story and it is absolutely true.
I was on a routine cruise at the Gap.
My fave store.
That is, my favorite store besides Old Navy, Banana Republic, Ross or TJ Maxx.
I was looking for some khaki pants.
Sort of capri-ish.
They had pants that are patched and some that you are supposed to roll up.
The pants (pictured here) have splotches of white paint on them.
White paint!
According to the Gap web-site,
the perfect touch of paint.
I spend the better part of MY day trying to avoid that perfect touch of paint.
That is why I wear an apron.
I went home,
found pants that had been dried (which makes them too short for me) and rolled them up.
I wore them to school.
Apparently, khaki boyfriend pants are all the rage.
If you want to send me some pants and I will get them distressed for you at my school,
please let me know.
There will be a nominal charge for this service.
And, you will get that perfect touch of paint.