I bought this rain gauge to measure the rain.
Two Home Depot employees had to think really hard as to where they were kept in the store.
I got the last one.
It is nice.
Mom, you should buy this one.
The rain makes the blue show up so you can read it from a distance.
It also has large letters.
We can seriou sly see the amount of rain from our house to where it is posted out by the pool.
It was $3.98 and we will have to take it in when it is not raining as it would be sun-damaged.
This is 7th Avenue, right by our house.
We have had to drive all the way around to get Miss Brunette to school.
Both of the kids came home soaked yesterday.
All rooms in schools in Arizona open to the outside and have courtyard type areas.
It is still 7th Avenue.